Living a life that sets your soul on fire begins by following your intuition.

There are two voices raging war inside.

The voice of the mind and that of the soul. One voice has taken center stage most of our lives, while the other has been buried under the noise of the first. 

In this day and age, we are not taught how to listen to the voice of our soul—our intuition. Even if we receive “intuitive hits”, we don’t always go along with the wild ideas it has to share. Reason being boils down to three keys that once turned, unlock the power of your intuition.

1. You are paralyzed by fear.

Intuitive hits usually sound like crazy ideas, both to ourselves and others. They are calling us forth into the unknown—a place our mind does not like to venture. As a result, fears vast and many come racing to the surface when we decide to act upon those wild ideas. Those very fears keep us rooted in a place that feels more soul-sucking than soul alive.

Fears about what is or is not possible. What will or will not happen. What you will lose or gain. Who you may upset or let down. Afraid of what others will think. Fearful that you are not good enough. Smart enough. Worthy enough.

So the next time you receive an intuitive hit, notice which voice arises and ask yourself: Who is speaking? The fearful mind or courageous soul? Is it empowering and calling you forth or is it limiting fears keeping you playing small? If it’s small, it’s time to get to the bottom of the lies my love and flip the script to a more supportive role.

2. You don’t believe your dreams are possible for you.  

A whole host of subconscious lies rise up from within when you start going after what you desire. Deep down, you may not believe that it’s possible for you to see that dream fulfilled. But belief is the critical ingredient required to bring any idea, no matter how radical, to form. 

Unless your internal belief system matches your external desires, you are stuck spinning your wheels in the mud. Getting to the root of the internal limiting beliefs lodged dormant in the subconscious body is key, otherwise they will sabotage even the best laid plans.

3. You are unwilling to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality.

Yes, I know that may sound harsh, but the truth of the matter is that most are not willing to commit to the actions required to make their dreams come true. We may tell ourselves that we do not know the steps to take. We may get overwhelmed and give up, or fail to start in the first place.

This “unwillingness” to take real time action is often rooted in a lack of confidence. Acting upon intuitive inspirations requires an internal knowing and trust. An inner fortitude that despite the fact that you have no idea what the next step will be, or what it will look like, you act with unwavering belief. Inspired, aligned action births the confidence required to live a life that sets your soul on fire.

If you don’t have the courage to stand up for your souls desires, who will?

We are the only ones who ever truly know what is best for us in each moment. But we don’t always listen to what our intuition is calling us to do. We lack the confidence to see it through or succumb to the subconscious lies and voices of fear running the show. Our psyche becomes riddled with reasonings of the mind overriding intuitive guidance and we stay stuck in a life of dis-ease, complacency, stress, and stuck-ness. 

Bring to mind one of your current dreams. Tune in to the thoughts and feelings arising and ask yourself: Is this coming from a place of connection and knowing or logic and reason? Do you believe in yourself and your ability to make your dreams come true or are you running every doubt scenario in your mind? Do you have the courage to take action in the here despite how crazy it may sound and amidst the unknowing of how it will transpire?

These are the life-changing questions, and keys, that begin to unlock the power of your intuition and live a life that sets your soul on fire.