Across the years, my drift into

understanding has been like a

hawk descending in glide, one

spiral after another, until I have

landed where flight is no longer


And my breakdown into peace

has been like a cliff standing up

to the sea, until after all my suffer-

ings, I only long to join, until with

each crumble, I utter, “Take me.”

Now, my ability to give is ever

increased by my acceptance of

surrender, like a dandelion

finally giving way to the

slightest gust of wind.

A Question to Walk With: Describe how your sense of understanding life has evolved over the years.

This excerpt is from my book of poems, The Tone in the Center of the Bell.

Join me at my new 5-session online Master Class, The Gift of Deepening and the Radiance in All Things, coming up August 28 – September1. I am also offering a free reading and conversation on September 11th. If you feel led, you can learn more at
