It is true that life is unpredictable and often very difficult. Every day we face obstacles that test our ability to cope with difficulties. It is easy to get angry, scared, or resentful and forget about gratitude for the good things that we enjoy in our lives.

If we do not appreciate and feel grateful for the good things that we enjoy like the music of used pianos or the other things which we have, how can we justify wanting more of them?

Consider these simple gratitude practices when you need support in difficult times: 

Include at least one act of kindness in your day.

When we are going through a stressful or difficult period in our life, we become so focused and focused on the pain and pity we feel for ourselves that we rarely stop to think about others. That is why we must break out of this negative mindset by doing something nice.

Who is most deserving of my simple act of kindness today? Who has shown me support and love lately? What can I do to honor your support and affection?

By being kind and generous to others, you create a greater sense of connection that creates a more positive outlook on life. Way, t and feel better about yourself.

Feel and express your gratitude. I gave thanks for the little things.

When things do not go your way and you feel like life’s victim, it can be extremely difficult to feel grateful and realize what you should be grateful for. However, there are plenty of little joys around you even on the toughest days. You can notice them by changing the point of your focus.

What kinds of blessings have I received lately? How can I show my gratitude for those blessings? Is there anyone who deserves a thank you message from me?

Being able to say thank you for the little things helps you shift your focus from life’s challenges to life’s pleasures. In this way, your mind expands and supports you in finding solutions and ways to untie yourself and move on.

Reframe your negativity. 

Challenging times bring a lot of negativity. If you are struggling and struggling for any reason, you will likely start to sabotage yourself by creating sadness, falling into despair, evoking regrets, and generating tons of negative thoughts that are ultimately unproductive.

Changing your perspective is the best way to reframe negativity. Remember that everything in life comes in the form of duality. Nothing is purely good or bad. See the goodness and benefits in your current difficulties and try to learn from them.

Negative thoughts only have the power to hurt you if you allow it.

Feel and express your gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal.

This is probably the most popular gratitude practice. In a previous chat I had told you about it. Writing your acknowledgments brings with it a variety of benefits. For example, better quality sleep, your immune system improves, you reach higher levels of resilience, and a better mood.  All these benefits are necessary when you are going through a difficult time in life.

To start your gratitude journal all you need is an undisturbed amount of time, the best disposition to reflect, and a way to capture your thoughts (a notebook as I suggested earlier, on your cell phone, or on your computer) .

You can begin by reflecting on the following questions.

What experiences in my life can I be grateful for? What has happened lately that makes me feel grateful? What opportunities do I have today? What have significant and loved people done in my life that make me feel and be grateful?

Writing helps you organize your thoughts, process information and your experiences, and incidentally, helps you accept your difficult times by putting them in context.
