As a mother, weaning your young one shouldn’t be such a difficult process.  Ideally, this should be a personal endeavor that entirely depends on your relationship with the child. Unfortunately, some tots are known to suffer from separation anxiety, particularly at nine months, which can delay the process.

You can turn things around and make weaning quite enjoyable for your infant and you, as well using these actionable tips. Your baby will be assured of unrivaled contentment and calm throughout the transition phase.

  1. Adjust your nursing routine

Babies, like any other human being, are creatures of habits and routine. Your baby undoubtedly expects breastfeeding at particular times or places. You can change this narrative and, in the process, wean the child by adjusting your nursing schedule.

This calls for a change in your daily routines. You can avoid any nursing triggers such as your usual nursing chair station and time in this case. Besides, you can only breastfeed your child upon their request–don’t offer them without their asking.

  • Substitute breastfeeding

Substituting your child’s breastfeeding with something else mainly depends on their age. For starters, a baby who is between zero to six months can be bottle-fed for every nursing session you abandon. You can incorporate a couple of breast milk bottles in the initial stages to make the baby comfortable with the arrangement.

For an older baby—between six and twelve months–you can provide them a cup of their favorite drink or nutritious snack during their usual breastfeeding time. Alternatively, distract them with a change of scenery or game. At this stage, you can also ditch bottle-feeding altogether. 

  • Gradually wean your baby process

According to Healthline, stopping breastfeeding too fast can cause engorged breasts due to milk pillage leading to plugged ducts or Mastitis. Not only that, but it can also be emotionally draining to the mother. 

Therefore, you can gradually wean your baby to avoid such kind pitfalls. As an example, drop one feeding session every three or four days instead of doing it at once.  These can take you up to two weeks to complete the whole weaning process, but worthy your time and effort.

  • Have a contingency plan

With the right nursing tools and aids for your little one, you can plan for the weaning process. For instance, you can express, freeze and store some of your breast milk for later use. Doing so smoothens the transition process and makes life bearable for you and your child, especially during emergencies.

  • Initiate weaning if necessary

If you feel it’s time, then it’s time; you don’t have to beat yourself about this. Instead, understand what works for you while respecting your baby’s desires and feelings.

This is especially true when your child is all grown-up or is becoming a little bit cheeky with your breasts.

Final thoughts

There it is; how and when to wean your little one entirely depends on your relationship—there isn’t a fixed time for it. However, it is essential to initiate the process at the most appropriate time and in a gradual way.

These can help prevent your child from experiencing the consequences of not getting enough breast milk and motherly connection. As well as help you avoid the effects of stopping fast. 


  • Dennis Waliaula

    professional B2B and B2C Tech/ Cybersecurity/ SaaS writer

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