People have different approaches on how to deal with the unpredictability of life and develop as a person. For 30-year-old flight attendant Liza Popov, the two C’s, creativity and curiosity, guide her through her everyday encounters and come out as a better individual. 

“I’m a very curious person so I always try to learn new things in many different ways. I try to find new and creative ways to do what I do and get out of my comfort zone. I like reading a lot and watching videos and I always search for new inspiration everywhere I can, even in the most unpredictable places,” she said. 

Liza is born in Ukraine as Elizabetha Popov. She currently resides in Israel and is on leave because of the pandemic. She loves reading and writing, especially poetry. She also has a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature and multidisciplinary humanities from Tel Aviv University.

As she lets her creativity and curiosity empower her as a person, Liza also draws inspiration from two particular quotes that came from well-known artists, Picasso and Van Gogh. 

The quote by Picasso reads, “I am always doing which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” In the meantime, the other one by Van Gogh: goes “The way to know life is to love many things.” 

“I always try to keep these words in the back of my mind. Just trying to live and create as variously as possible. My brain is just this one big mess so it’s never boring,” the flight attendant said. 

Managing Rather Than Avoiding

Stress can sometimes be inevitable and will always come when things get overwhelming. Liza knows that she can’t avoid stress but she can manage it in a way that she can deal with effectively. 

“I don’t think you can really avoid it but can manage it to some extent. I think that music helps me a lot, and letting go of things I can’t control. Also, I try to celebrate small accomplishments and remain grateful,” she shared. 

The 30-year-old flight attendant added that she overcomes obstacles by being optimistic. As a natural optimist, looking on the bright side comes easy for her. 

Listening to Others And to Herself 

The crucial pieces of advice that have helped Liza become the person she is today came from other people who she considers smarter than her. And because of her creativity and curiosity, she’s not afraid to try these approaches and see how it works for her. 

However, this doesn’t mean that she wants to reach a level of perfection. She embraces both the good and bad in her so that she knows what makes her strong as a person and what areas in life that she needs to improve. 

“One of my favorite ones [quotes] is from Parker Palmer. [It goes] ‘Wholeness does not mean perfection, it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life,’” she said. 

At the moment, Liza expresses herself through poetry which she shares online for others to relate to and find inspiration in. 
Check out Liza Popov’s poetry YouTube channel here.
