The daily grind of modern life can be exhausting: working full-time, going to appointments, running errands, squeezing in grocery shopping, preparing nourishing meals, finding time to exercise…the demands might seem endless.

When’s the last time you spent an afternoon doing absolutely nothing?

According to Dr. Matthew Sleeth, taking time to rest and relax may be one of the best things you can do for your health. In his book 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life, Dr. Sleeth emphasizes that for almost two thousand years, Western culture stopped for twenty-four hours once a week, every week.

“Even when I was a child, you couldn’t buy gasoline, you couldn’t buy milk. The drugstores weren’t open.…And so society just had a day where they put it in park. [That] was Sunday…until the last thirty years or so,” he said.

Now, in a culture that celebrates being busy, people are on the go nonstop – and it’s taking a toll on our health and happiness. According to Dr. Sleeth, constant stress is causing a growing epidemic of depression and anxiety, and stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are linked to obesity and diabetes.

What’s the solution? Blocking out regular time in your busy schedule to rest and recharge. Though Dr. Sleeth recommends an entire day, taking it easy for just a few hours once a week can help you actually enjoy your life instead of watching it speed past.

Even if your Monday is busy and stressful, it can be reassuring to know that you have a relaxing and stress-free Saturday to look forward to. For someone with a sedentary desk job, that may mean unplugging from your computer and going for a hike; for someone who spends a lot of time on their feet, that might mean curling up with a cup of tea and a good book.

Whatever you choose, prioritizing unstructured downtime is crucial to help you relax, appreciate what’s good in your life, and return to your daily tasks with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

I’ve created a free guide specifically with working women in mind that are desperately wanting to find more balance and less stress in their lives. Get your copy today at

I will also be hosting a free online web class on June 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM (CST) specifically for women that are seeking healthier ways to manage their stress and feelings of overwhelm. A lot of information will be shared that evening (and some freebies will be given away). Save your spot today by registering here!

Blessed and Blissful,
