
When people leave a job, they don’t leave the company, but why leave behind the leadership. Those making the big decisions at a company are responsible for turnover and employee productivity. According to Gallup, companies that have leaders with high management talent can achieve 27% more revenue per employee. They also found that 70% of a team’s engagement depends on who is leading them. For a company to reach its full potential, eyes must be turned to the managers and leaders. With the majority of companies working from home, it’s more important now than ever for leaders to step up to the plate. Here are a few tips that can help leaders build stronger mindsets through proper training.

Essential Skills

Teaching leaders essential skills of management is one of the most important steps. Good leaders should be able to listen to others by giving them their undivided attention. When holding a conversation with an employee you should always as powerful and meaningful questions. Whether its checking in on their mental state or suggestions they have on a project, being able to receive feedback is an essential skill. Leaders don’t only need to know these skills but they must understand the importance of them.

Learning Into Action

For a leader to understand what works and what doesn’t, they need to do research and get to practice. Leadership training programs should focus on leaders learning skills and tactics that they plan on sharing with others. Showing individuals a slideshow once and not having them put the skills to work will not help when creating good habits. Leaders should do 

role-playing with fellow leaders in realistic situations that could happen in the workplace.


Not every new skill or tactic will work with your team but this is just another learning experience. Everyone responds to leadership skills differently so it’s important to learn which work best with who you’re working with and most importantly yourself. Sit back and reflect on what can be changed for next time and make it a mission to make the adjustments. The only way leaders can grow is by bringing new skills to the table and creating long-lasting habits in the workplace.

Leadership training is essential for all people who want to lead a team to become motivated and committed to their work. New skills and ideas are constantly being made, which is why leaders must never stop learning and always reach for the best.

Originally published on OlawaleSeriki.com.