The definition of sanity is the ability to think and behave in a ‘normal’ and rational manner. What might be perceived as normal and rational to one will certainly vary from one person to the next. In any work environment, there exists what spiritualists call parallel realities, a sort of déjà vu where mind, body and spirit have some clue as to the larger picture of the group experience, but the individual remains clueless as the mind seems to be separate from the spirit, and hence the body, creating an enormous amount of stress when it comes to inter-office relations, creativity and productivity. As the majority of the working class feel a sense of separation from their purpose in the work environment, that sense of separation lives deeper within us, allowing us to feel an emptiness which only perpetuates the question of our sanity. Are we truly insane in the workplace? Of course we are, but my definition of sanity might be a little different than yours.

Most of us spend eternity trying to figure out our path. This also holds truth in the midst of our working environment. The emptiness we feel exists on all planes — the mind, spirit, and body. It can be challenging to find the emotional meeting place for the emptiness to sit still, sit with the feeling of insanity, and allow it to be okay in furthering our connection to ourselves. We have this veil of knowing that surrounds us as we exist. I know most of you reading this have had that déjà vu experience at work when you know with your entire being that a choice you make is indeed the right one, yet you also know that it may only be the right choice for you, and no one else. Thoughts scramble as you try to identify this surge within you, most likely of ‘right thought’ and creativity, coupled with empowerment, and also illusion. Illusion? Certainly, as though the direction you are contemplating might only be understood by you and no one else, the fear that no one could possibly understand where you are coming from, and the belief that your very purpose at that moment in time is all an illusion.

Welcome to humanity. Welcome to the truth that you are not alone in your illusion, your insanity, or your purpose. The fear of separation of all that you embody in the workplace is carried on some level by everyone around you. Illusions exist to perpetuate separation. We are all entitled to think and behave in any manner of appearance we are drawn to. If only we could accept that we each harbor illusions about how we perceive one another in our working environments, perhaps we might lessen the separation, band together in this ‘illusion’, and create a collective purpose which benefits all.

Originally published at