As the keeper of no less than five active to-do lists on any given day, I’ve never found meaningful utility in New Year’s resolutions. I do, however, see the value of taking a thoughtful moment to look back at a year just passed and consider how I’ve spent my time, and what those choices ultimately afforded me and those around me. While this exercise has given me tremendous joy and satisfaction this year, more than that—–it has afforded me an invaluable life lesson: When you’re fully present, time expands. 

With nothing routine about any one of the past 12 months, I can say that I was fully engaged every day. From a January snowboarding accident that forced me into presence fast (everything is a meditation with your dominant wrist on the mend), to the launching of a small business and living and working in eight different countries, every single day commanded my complete, focused attention. 

What I now see in the rearview is profound. Because I was fully present, 2019 expanded into a lifetime of experiences for me. Looking back, it’s hard to fathom all the leaps of faith taken, new skills cultivated, client projects pursued, adventures plotted, cultural immersion, and new relationships forged that were contained in the span of just 365 days. Having completely shown up for each and every moment, I can say that I’ve never lived a year more fully in my life. And because life is short and time is its most coveted currency—-of course it’s something I’d love to repeat the rest of my years. Who doesn’t want to extend time?

Miles Davis once said “Time isn’t the most important thing. It’s the only thing.” I agree, and for me, it begs the vital question: From the professional paths you opt to walk down and the projects you take on, to the company you keep and the energy you surround yourself with—–how are you choosing to spend that currency? 

Originally published on the KCI blog at
