The Best Effective Marketing Tips for Introverts, As Written By One by Mecyll Gaspary

Before I knew about introverted personality, I always knew that marketing isn’t for me, and I have never felt comfortable promoting anything even if it’s something I truly believed in. It’s not because I can’t do it; but rather, trying too hard to explain others is a waste of time, given how the marketing industry on a different scale is designed—for extroverts. 

As much as we try to avoid it at all costs, we know it’s impossible. Especially if we’re aiming for more attraction from people we target and, of course, sales. Instead of complaining, why don’t we try to find out if it is truly possible for introverts to succeed in the marketing department or not at all? 

Being Shy Doesn’t Mean I Have Anxiety Issues

I was on the brink of collapse when my English grade school teacher called my name to stand in front of my classmates. The task wasn’t supposed to be hard. But the emotional rollercoaster ride was way too much to handle that I cried in front of everyone like a lost kid, and nobody understood why. 

At that time, I wasn’t aware of having an INFJ personality or being a highly sensitive person (HSP) at all. Instead, I believed that my reaction was plain stupid and abnormal. Little did I know that in the next few years after that incident, I would be elected in the highest position in the student council, leading thousands of students for the next 12 months, and performed my duties well despite being introverted.  

Until now, I have been asking myself how did I even survive it. I couldn’t believe I managed to perform my duties and lead in the highest position as an introvert.

While being self-aware, the more I spend time lingering these memories in my head, the more I realize that those uncomfortable moments had me delved more about myself to know where my introverted nature and copying with demands cross the line.

Because, generally speaking, I can’t force myself to extend my social battery to such an extent that it compromises my well-being for the sake of building a successful and meaningful life and a business.

How to Promote Anything as an Introvert 

I came across Nancy Ancowitz’s book entitled “Self-Promotion for Introverts” which explains how introverts can take advantage of their strengths in the marketing arena—where extroverts generally rule. 

Despite the existing gap between the two personalities, it doesn’t mean that introverts can’t do the same job well as extroverts. Well-renowned as the “silent” leaders like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Charles Schwab, and Stephen Spielberg serve as living examples of her claim. 

Definitely, introverts can show unexpected abilities to lead an empire as effectively as the majority of extroverted leaders can do. Here are the simple marketing tips she suggested to maximize our strengths  and promote anything as an introvert with optimal marketing results: 

1. Take time for goal-setting and planning. 

Ancowitz suggested that we can use our uncanny ability to notice even the smallest details to create SMART goals and plan our marketing goals extensively. While doing this, we also need to prepare ourselves to be at the frontier, especially if we’re heading towards leadership roles. Thus, we can’t stay behind closed doors if we desire to build authority and trust among the people we want to serve. 

It is desirable to step outside our comfort zones and bravely commit to this new undertaking for personal growth. Activities like setting deadlines for projects and intentionally joining a small support group for accountability are a few things introverts must do.

2. Take time to review our inner strengths.

Though we’re completely aware of how networking cultivates a solid and direct impact on our businesses, we need to take our social batteries into account. We need to be aware of how long our social batteries can last and the time we need to be alone to recharge. 

This approach is best described as “going inward and reaching outward” marketing. The author explained that introverts must start with a strong affirmation and understanding of the purpose, the foundation of our cause, before entertaining the need for social exposure. Otherwise, we’ll lose track and waste our marketing efforts. 

As introverts, we need to accept our different preferences in self-promoting, while, at the same time, figure out creative ways to achieve the same optimal results, albeit in our unique and discreet ways. 

3. Be authentic. 

Are you familiar with the phrase “Fake it until you make it?” 

Normally, introverts dislike small talks and people who habitually leave empty promises. As an INFJ, I struggle to follow the common marketing trends that encourage white lies for effective marketing. If you’re in the same situation as I, Anconwitz suggested better ways to avoid this scenario when implementing necessary steps for our business. 

Using our sense of authenticity to our advantage is the key to effective marketing. In other words, we don’t need to exaggerate or sugarcoat our sales talk to attract more people into buying the products or services we offer. 

By simply showing others our true self and sincerity to help are enough to convince and build trust from our customers, as per Motista’s research study of Fortune 500 companies published a few years ago.

The findings of the study proved how emotionally connected the customers are to the brands defines the longevity of the business and income potential. Surprisingly, this is where introverts excel at. So, there’s no need for us to embrace what the majority of marketers have been doing to accelerate their business plans.

4. Stop negative self-talk. 

Introverts know the value of self-introspection and what it does to our lives. We like to engage in different activities to think and reflect, especially when we’re struggling holistically. When we’re too exposed to prolonged stress, we often start to entertain negative self-talk and believe that, indeed, the world doesn’t care about us and what we have to offer—a blatant lie. 

Ancowitz recommends choosing events where we feel most welcomed as the first step to give us a solid ground and take the time to get used to the surroundings and the people around us.  Unlike extroverts, we need time to achieve the level of familiarity we’re comfortable with before we feel safe to take action. 

Additionally, we must consciously set our minds to developing a palatable conversation with ourselves first to make marketing work for us. Until then, we can level up the challenge and ignite our hidden superpowers. 

Final Thoughts – Introverts Can Be Successful Marketers, Too!

Just because we are silent, it doesn’t mean we can’t be talented or skilled marketers. Introverts will always have a different way around handling every task at hand than others, but that doesn’t justify as a solid ground for our disbelief and self-prejudice. 

As Ancowitz pointed out in her book, self-acceptance and self-awareness play a crucial role in designing the best, effective, yet, discreet marketing that works for us. Thus, we can’t continue beating ourselves with constant negative self-talk simply because we can’t do what most people do. 

As long as we’re aware and have mastered the basics of self-promotion solely for introverts, there’s nothing we can’t do—even if it seems impossible right now.

As Nightbird, a former AGT 2021 finalist, said during an interview on CNN, “Don’t you want to see the results if you don’t give up?” Now, let me throw the same question to you.

Would you rather give up on building a meaningful and successful business simply because you’re an introvert?