Something didn’t feel right.

She had these nagging thoughts that made her uncomfortable. Of course, she logically understood why there was so much discomfort.

Everyone was uneasy and uncomfortable.

This feeling wasn’t something unique to her; there was nothing that could be done. Yet she felt like she was drowning in her own thoughts; the only option was to keep on swimming.

Ignore them. Keep moving. Deep breathes. Everything will be okay.

But things weren’t okay. She felt it in her gut, in her head, in her body.

She was frustrated with work, she wasn’t going to reach the goals her company had set. She was going to disappoint and let others down.

Things were out of her control. She needed to move on. Push past the uncomfortable feelings.

She wanted to talk with someone. Why bother? Nothing could be done. She was a leader in the organization. Her logical mind knew all of this was out of her control.

Yet she felt alone as if she was paddling, trying to keep her head above water.

She texted her manager, “Hey, can you talk?”

While she waited for a response, a little voice said, “This is pointless. There is nothing you can say that will change anything. You need to suck it up and keep swimming.”

Her phone lit up, “Yes!”

Did she really need to talk? What was she even going to say? Guess it’s too late now, gotta call the boss.

“I don’t even know why I’m calling, but I’m frustrated. This work is hard in ways I can’t explain, and with everything going on, I won’t meet my work goals. I feel silly for even taking your time, but I just needed to tell you.”

Her boss responded with compassion and concern,

“I get it. It’s hard times, and there is so much uncertainty. Thank you for calling and sharing how you are feeling. We will get yet through this. Limit TV and news time. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out.”

She no longer felt silly.

Instead, she felt a sense of relief.

She didn’t have to hold it all in.

She didn’t have to paddle in place, trying to keep her head from going under.

Sharing her concerns, frustrations, and fears with someone who could listen actually helped.

Maybe she just needed to be heard?

Maybe she needed the reminder she wasn’t alone.

Maybe she just needed to connect.

We are entering scary times, a season that will be inundated with fear, uncertainty, and many other emotions.

Remember, you don’t have to hold it all in. Yes, there probably is not much someone else can tell you that your logical mind doesn’t already know.

Nothing about what’s going on is logical, so don’t worry, you aren’t expected to figure it out on your own.

If those uncomfortable feelings start to try and take over, remember the power of talking and connecting with someone who cares.

Reach out. Ask for help. Share how you are feeling.

And know, you don’t have to swim in this uncertainty alone.

There are people ready to jump in for support and deliver, even if for a brief moment, a breath of fresh air. Reminding us, we are in this together, and we’ll get through it one breathe, one stroke at a time.