There’s an interesting phenomenon that occurs in the pursuit of happiness. The more you chase it, the more it slips through your fingers.

Small children radiate happiness and joy because it exists within them. They don’t search for it.

As our ego develops though, it covers up the spiritual qualities we all have within us. The ego tricks us into thinking happiness exists on the outside and that we have to accomplish things, buy things, or be things to find it.

Today my husband was moving a huge cardboard box out of the house. It’s left over from a new sofa we had delivered earlier in the week.

Do you remember a time in your life when a sofa-sized cardboard box was the most amazing thing? You’d turn it into a fort, or a spaceship and play in it for days.

Go back to that time. Live life from that perspective. Be that kid again, and you’ll never have to search anywhere for happiness.

I want to send you my free guide, “5 Days to More Peace, More Prosperity, and More Happiness”. Click here to get the guide for free!

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Cross posted at and Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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