Why staring from 0 to 1 seems so difficult?

We often try to explore our creative sid but in order to do so we find it really difficult to learn the skills that is needed and often give up.

But the learning graph has always been like this it’s not only you who is suffering from learning and getting tired over the time because if we follow different path we have to work differenty and we may have to work extra hours in our learning stage.

I get it its a lot of pressure but you have choose to do it and the road to success is never made out of flowers we have to been through a lot more than we could even imagine to make our dream come true because only we can make it happen the potential we have will make us successful not the excuses that me make.

Now there will be questions why there are less successful peoples?

It may be because of the two reasons-

* We people not want to learn something from others. There will be times when you feel that the person with you is speaking rubbish and you don’t give attention to them it’s true that we should not be coping others but we can gather wisdom. It’s true that we learn from our mistake but it’s also true that life is to short to make all the mistake and learn from them sometimes we should learn from others as well.

*We are afraid of taking rickshaw the boundaries that we create among ourselves is just illusion if we want to achieve something it’s always out of our boundaries and we fail to give an attempt because we are already a failure in our made we have this pre concive notions that we don’t have what it takes to accomplish our tasks so we will rather procrastinate or drop the plan.

Success is not that easy we have to work for it with dedication and determination and be consistent with what we are doing.