In this current age full of progress and uncertainty, it really pays well to be financially literate. Money and currency have evolved and are continuously evolving with the advent of new technologies like e-payments and cryptocurrencies. With the financial dictionary being rewritten again and again, one must always find new ways to learn. The current pandemic has also turned the economy upside-down, and now, one must not just rely on mere employment to stay financially stable and secure. Luckily, Eric Jemielita is here to teach you how to be smarter with your money.

Eric Jemielita is an American entrepreneur and the owner of Genesis, a financial company that specializes in helping families understand basic financial concepts, as well as assisting them with making, saving, and investing their money that will help create a better future for them. Genesis aims to assist more and more families to achieve financial independence and through its business platform. 

Collectively, Eric Jemielita and Genesis have helped thousands of families start on the path towards being financially independent. They do this by either offering them cutting-edge insurance products or by allowing them to start with a part-time or even full-time business.

At present, Jemielita is currently expanding the reach of Genesis all over the United States, with its newly opened offices in Irvine, and Walnut, CA, and a Florida office down in Fort Lauderdale. With operations being handled like a broker, Genesis can provide services from its 133 partner companies with no territorial restrictions.

What makes Eric Jemielita and Genesis a cut above the rest is that it allows people to work on a part-time basis, something that is atypical in the insurance and investment company. Thanks to their easy-to-learn system, anyone can be proficient with the ins and out of the business and start working towards financial independence. Genesis encourages anyone who is ambitious and wants a brighter future for themselves to try out the opportunities they provide.

Genesis also helps people maximize tax-advantages on their investments and provide them with the insurance and annuity products that they need to protect these investments. This is perfect for people above who have already in retirement and are only relying on their assets. 

If there is a perfect person to help you start your journey to financial independence, it would be Eric Jemielita. A born entrepreneur, he started his business at age 18, and after 16 years, Eric Jemielita is now the President and CEO of the Jemielita group and the proud owner of Genesis. He is a highly sought-after public speaker who specializes in personal development, leadership, entrepreneurship, and life coaching. Jemielita knows what it feels like to start from scratch, and is the perfect mentor that will help you secure your future.

With the evolving language of money and the uncertainty of the economy continuing to be present, one must find ways to take their future into their own hands. Let Eric Jemielita and Genesis be your partner with this, and help you achieve financial independence. 

To know more about Eric Jemielita and how he can help you secure your future, you email him at [email protected]