It’s normal for your job to occasionally cause you some stress. Whether it be a big deadline, a new position, managing problematic employees or working with a new team, stress can find its way into work from time to time. However, when extreme stress carries on for an extended period of time, it can have some serious effects on a person’s physical, mental and psychological well-being. What’s most concerning about stress-induced symptoms is that many times they it can be overlooked and people can even begin to adapt to chronic stress as something “normal.”

So in a world that is go go go, it’s important to know when your body and when it is begging for a break. Check out some telling signs you need to do a little self love to your mind, body & soul.

Psychological Signs of Chronic Stress

  • Low Energy – all the time
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of Libido/Ability
  • Getting sick more often than usual, and for longer
  • Upset Stomach
  • Irritability, Lashing out at People
  • Depression / Anxiety

Physiological signs of severe stress:

  • Breakouts
  • Significant weight gain / loss
  • Hair Loss
  • Missed/Scanty Periods
  • Dry Skin
  • Headaches more usual than normal

How You Can Reverse it 

So you’ve identified you’re overly stressed. That’s the first step to recovery. Now that you know your body is under such pressure you can work on relieving it.

It’s important to note that the only way to see results and improvements in your emotional state of being is to commit to putting your well being first. You may have to decline certain events or even being around certain or group of people. Below are a few things that can really get the ball rolling.

  1. Exercise, Often. Exercise has been proved to reduce stress in individuals, increase endorphins – the “happy” hormone – into your body and do wonders for the mind. If you’re suffering from chronic stress, exercise can do wonders for you. Try to get an hour of real exercise at least 3 times a week.
  2. Consider seeing a Therapist Despite the stigma surrounding counseling, therapy can be a great way to sort out your feelings towards a certain stressor and respond to it in a healthier manner. Therapy can be a great tool for addressing mental stressors you may not even know are there and could be affecting other parts of your life.
  3. Take 15 Minutes each day. A life tip I adopted from Richard Kempler’s Rules of Life, taking 15 minutes of each day to do absolutely nothing can be a catalyst to mental peace and subsequently, less stress. Note that doing nothing literally means, nothing. Kempler noted that if you smoke during those 15 minutes, it then becomes a smoke break. If you use that time to read, it then becomes a reading break. Commit to these 15 minutes to yourself each day and you’ll notice a world of a difference in your state of mind.
  4. Get a New Job. If stress is caused by your place of employment, consider finding a new job. Too many people sell themselves short and conform with a “tolerable” work environment. If your workplace environment is causing you stress that takes too much to overcome, and you’ve already sought out avenues within your organization to mediate it, then seek new job opportunities. No two workplace environments are the same and while starting a new gig may be daunting, so should ruminating in a toxic workplace atmosphere.
  5. Change up your environment. Maybe the people your surrounding yourself with that are causing stress. Or maybe it’s your family dynamic or even your cluttered home that doesn’t make the stress easier. Take steps to surround yourself with positive and encouraging people, places, and things. Rid yourself of the relationships that leave you negative after being around them. Focus on improving your physical environment as well. Feng shui is real!
  6. Consider consulting with an Attorney. If your stress is due to harassment at your workplace by other coworkers or a boss, consider consulting with an employment attorney. You have the right by law to work free of discrimination or harassment of any kind. If its coming from a coworkers, a company is also liable for the misconduct and responsible for taking necessary steps to end the harassment.  Even if you find a new job, employers who unlawfully allow harassment to take place in their work spaces should be held accountable. It’s unjust for an employee to have to endure such stress on their own, so definitely consider seeking a good lawyer if this is your case! Most attorneys offer free initial consultations, so you can at least get an idea of the legal options available to you for your specific case. 

When it comes to chronic stress, there are countless options that can help your symptoms and get you back on track. 


  • Brenda Elazab

    Giving people information they need

    Guest writer covering topics of wellness, health, financial freedom, and more. To collaborate, contact me by email at [email protected].