As an early bird, I wake up before the sun rises. The calm and stillness of my mornings are serene and I simply treasure this moment of silence before the buzzing neighborhood starts to emerge. Last month was quite arduous. I was always tired, felt like time was running out and in the end, I didn’t own my day. I didn’t show up.
This is when I started to read about the importance of routines and how it could work wonders. 

10 days of routine, I was aligned with my purpose, I was self-disciplined and in balance.

This routine is based upon clarity and gratitude. Those are daily practices that I’m eager to wake up to everyday:

1. Morning Affirmations
With the inspirational daily affirmations of Louise Hay deck cards, I set my intention for the day and meditate on those insightful words, wrapped in positivity.
2. Hitting the mat
Stretching out and working on my core strength through yoga awakens my mind and body.
Fully re-invigorated, those cloudy thoughts from the day before fades away.
3. Gratitude Journal
As the day ends I like to note down 3 things I was grateful for. So much can happen in one day and we tend to focus only on the tasks that were ticked off the non-exhaustive list. Those 3 things keeps me grounded.
Creating a daily practice that reflects your lifestyle is the best thing that you can do, for you.
