Today, Sharaya Maples is a successful businesswoman, philanthropist, author, and the co-founder of Team Rebalance. She is a Life Strategist and Public Speaker that aspires to help many through her Mindset Mentorship and change people’s lives for the better.

However, her life was not always as such. Before she dove into the Network Marketing industry, she struggled between working a full-time job, going to college, and staying fit and healthy. Working numerous jobs, from a barista at coffee shops to working at the front desk as a receptionist while juggling a full-time job, Sharaya started to feel uncomfortable in her own skin. She was fueling her body with caffeine and empty calories. She tried to compensate for it all by going to the gym 5 times a week, and her lifestyle slowly started taking a toll on her.

Wanting to get healthy before her wedding, Sharaya started taking Isagenix products and noticed improved energy levels almost immediately. Not only did she manage to release 25 pounds, drop 3 dress sizes, but she also gained mental clarity to start making conscious decisions to improve her overall wellness daily.

This is also when Sharaya was introduced to Network Marketing, although she had her hesitations about it. Her family and friends cautioned her from entering the industry, advising that it was not sustainable, but in the end, she decided to go all in. According to Sharaya, her biggest fear was making people feel like dollar signs, but finding the right company, Isagenix, and coming from a place of serving others gave her the motivation to start sharing unapologetically. She has always wanted to make a positive impact on people’s lives and help them move through life with ease and this was a perfect chance to accomplish this.

Through Team Rebalance, her hard work, and dedication, she has successfully helped over 30,000 people achieve their health, wellness, and financial goals and has impacted the community through various team contribution projects. Sharaya’s health programs are suitable for people of all ages and they are not only great for losing weight, but also for increasing energy, healthy aging, managing stress, and changing lives for the better through the highest quality nutrition.

Sharaya wants to pay forward the gift she has been given, and her company is not interested in simply selling a product, but also in providing a solution to the problem. She has found a vehicle for designing her day, gaining freedom both physically and financially, and is now sharing the opportunity with others as well. Sharaya enjoys building customer relationships, developing sales and branding strategies, and connecting with her audience on social media.

This Network Marketing Top Earner and Keynote Speaker hopes to continue helping and inspiring people by sharing her own story and journey from a struggling college student to a successful businesswoman. She hopes to be perceived as a person who is intentional and focused on providing value to people and creating more impact on the world.

Through her niches of Personal Development and Health and Wellness, she hopes to continue her passion of speaking life into others and freeing people from their limiting beliefs, helping them grow personally, professionally, emotionally, and financially, and showing them how to create more choices in their lives.