How do they get it? Because they have decided, in addition to paying with fair and competitive salaries according to the market, invest in innovative infrastructure, creative designs, recreation rooms, ergonomic furniture and also offer services such as free transportation, medical office, sports facilities, complimentary snacks and menus healthy to ensure the satisfaction of your team.

If you still don’t know how healthy work culture can benefit your business, here are seven reasons why a company should prioritize the well-being of its employees:

1. Increased productivity 

Many companies have confirmed that satisfied employees show a greater interest in their work and focus more on what they do. They are employees who are proud to belong to their company and become more productive.

2. More possibilities for innovation 

When employees are comfortable in their offices, in a dynamic and less routine environment, they become more creative and do their best. They start thinking outside the box, opening the way to innovation that will grow the business.

3. Less staff turnover 

Staff turnover costs a lot of time and money, affects the productivity of the company and hinders teamwork. As if that were not enough, it puts the reputation of the company at risk, making employees feel little compromised knowing that turnover is something that has normalized in their workplace. They feel expendable and in a less severe work environment. 

4. Reduce talent flight

When staff is satisfied with-in the company, they will seek to grow within the company instead of running after better job offers. And satisfaction not only has to do with salary, but with a healthy work environment that allows you to do what you love inside and outside the company. 

5. Cost reduction 

Companies that ensure the well-being of their employees promote health programs within the company and what they get is less sick. Many times absenteeism at work is related to health problems that result from spending too many hours in front of the computer. Therefore, companies decide to invest in the well-being of their employees; they have a higher productivity gain.

6. Dynamic corporate culture 

Offices in which there is a vibrant corporate culture not only have healthier employees but happier, independent and proactive employees. They are more proactive people and able to make their own decisions, which will have a positive impact on the business culture. 

7. Improves the reputation of the business

It is no coincidence that the companies known for taking care of the well-being of their employees are among those with the best status internationally. These are companies where many people would like to work, so they attract the most talented employees and keep them satisfied and productive. 

As we see, there are many important reasons to invest in the welfare of employees. To start, when the business takes care of the work culture and seeks the satisfaction of the work team, it becomes more productive, innovative and efficient. In the long term, this builds a successful image and a better reputation, key aspects to grow over time.
