life lessons game of pool

Pool players often apply their pool playing talents to their everyday lives. Many of the lessons they have learned from pool apply to situations in their daily life. 

Whether you play pool or not, these lessons hold a lot of truth and can be used by anyone.  Take a few minutes and think about each one and how you can apply them to your life.

Think about it this way: It’s like getting a Board Certified Coach built into this article. So read on and don’t forget to ask yourself one question throughout: How does this apply to my life right at this moment!

1. Stay Focused

Staying focused on your game will allow you to be more aware of opportunities for better shots. Staying focused means understanding what your options are as well as what your opponent may be planning.

You choose your next step by going through your options and creating a plan of action. Distractions can throw you off your game. Take a minute and go over the situation so you know exactly what needs to be done.

2. Take a Risk Occasionally

Take a risk occasionally. That tricky shot in the corner may be just what you need to set up your next few shots. Don’t risk losing the game because of a challenging shot!

You will never move forward in your game (or your life) if you don’t push yourself to succeed. Whether it’s a big risk or a small one, it will give you the experience you need to take on more exciting tasks in the future.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Shoot the Long Shot

Sometimes we look at shots and think that it is something we can never do. Those are your goals. Look at a long shot as something you want to achieve. Take your time. Look at your options. Choose your shot and use your resources.

You won’t make the long shot unless you put in the work to make it happen. Long shots aren’t as difficult as they appear especially if you put in the planning and effort to make it work.

4. Take It Slow and Easy

Take it slow. Don’t rush your shots. Sometimes you need to take a soft approach to problems instead of rushing or trying to force a shot. Too much power can cause a ricochet effect and send you off in a different direction. When you set up your shot, take your time and look at all the options.

Rushing will cause you to miss opportunities. You can accomplish almost anything you put your mind to if you slow down and take your time.

5. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead in a game of pool is just like strategizing at a conference table. To win you have to make several shots. The key is knowing which shot to take first so you will be set up for your next shot. Each shot you take gets you closer to the win. 

Planning ahead is essential both in pool and in life, especially if you want to keep moving forward. When you plan ahead, it will be easier to work around the unexpected challenges.

6. Use Your Resources

Always use your resources. The diamonds on your table are there to help you make the difficult shots. Choose your equipment based on your needs and preferences. Engage your support system. 

Everyone needs people who will cheer them on. Whether you are at a championship pool tournament or just starting a new job. Use your resources and continue to learn as much as you can about you handle each type of situation.

7. Choose the Right Tool for the Job

Using the right tool for the job will help you do your job to the best of your ability and actually succeed. A break stick is only used on the first shot of the game. Using it for the rest of your shots can be done but it isn’t designed for those. 

The same is true for knowing what to do in life. Use the right equipment for each job you take on. You will be more accurate and you will produce a higher quality of work.

Playing pool can teach you many different life lessons. The simplicity of the game makes it an easy comparison when it comes to applying life lessons. Above all, however, it’s important to remember to always be courteous and thankful that you have an opponent. 

Respect is the most important lesson of all and should be applied to everything you do. It’s great to have fun and enjoy yourself but it should never be at the expense of others. So when you succeed, be gracious, be kind, and be humble.

Even though you may lose at times, be thankful for the lessons that you learned in the process. Lessons are only useful if you remember to apply them to your life.