Categories: Rhymes, Church, Religion, God

Fighting and yelling and calling of names
Splitting and planting and playing of games;

Elders and pastors and man against man
Colors of carpets and styles of bands;

Selfishness, greediness, ugliness too
All done in love as we praise you know who;

In the midst of the chaos and buried in noise
It’s hard to find Jesus and bask in His joys;

Instead I find anger and bitterness there
And people who say but don’t act like they care;

I ain’t no scholar but I’ve looked and I’ve looked
And I can’t find a mention of this in His book;

Nope — there I find reference to loving the least,
And preparing the hungry a physical feast;

To loving on children who’ve no one to love
And helping the widow when push comes to shove;

To shunning the stuff that the world calls winner
And being thankful for food every night at our dinner;

I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I’ve yet to uncover
a reference to “try to make more than your brother”

or backing for acting the way that we act
like calling it satan when its us who attack;

I’ve thumbed and i’ve thumbed from beginning to end
but can’t find the verse that invites me to pretend;

that because I have said it my actions aren’t needed
as if all the Red Letters simply need not be heeded;

But I think that He loves us enough to be calmer
Than us — and He’s still while we work out the drama;

While you get over you and me gets over me
The plan He laid out becomes clearer to see;

When we stop being righteous and smarter than thou
He strips away layers and shows us the “how”;

The plans He laid out become brighter and brighter
As we strap on our gear to be His holy fighters;

It’s not just a task list He built to check off
It’s a blueprint for making a hard heart turn soft;

With the powers invested in us from above
We can’t help but be thankful and WANT to show love

It happened in Whoville in front of the Whos
If the Grinch can show change than I know we can too…

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inspired by the church (little c — not BIG C)…

Tags: Church, People, Seuss, Truth, Poetry

Originally published at on May 16, 2015.

Originally published at