Sarahbeth Hartlage

During the on-going COVID-19 crisis, most working ladies are working from home. Telecommunicating under normal circumstances can offer women a good break from their day-to-day routine. She can have freedom from long commutes along with the flexibility to work in her sweats. This situation, however, is generally far from normal. Below are some tips that will help women stay healthy and centered as they work from home at this time of crisis and boost their wellness.

Top 5 Wellness Tips that Every Working Woman Should Practice as per SarabethHartlage

  • A Calming Exercise to Begin the Day- The work from home trend can make women more stressed than work from the office. This makes sense. Women are trying to juggle several responsibilities as well as face multiple disruptions. These experiences are likely to add stress to her body and mind. So, every working woman should begin her day with a very calming physical or mental exercise. Prior to starting work, she should have a meditation session. Investing just 15 minutes during the commencement of the day will help to keep her centered and focused. Besides, going for a morning walk or doing yoga can also help. Such activities will help warm up the muscles and calm her mind for the entire day ahead. After all, any form of physical activity will help boost a woman’s mood and help her have a sound sleep at night.
  • Stay Focused- When there is a change in a woman’s daily routine, she can face difficulty concentrating on work. Here aromatherapy can help. It will help a great deal to make her home office highly productive. Essential oils can help build a relaxing environment or uplift the mood.
  • Social Support- Women should treat their social network like a stress buster that boosts longevity and health. Her group need not be large as far as that supports her shared experience and sense of connection. Connectedness and friendship during the tough times of this pandemic are critical in order to cope with stress.
  • Sound Sleep- The health impacts of proper sleep are truly unbelievable, states SarahbethHartlage. After all, sleep boosts mood along with helping women to handle day to day challenges more effectively. Excessive use of mobile phones and excessive intake of caffeine can ruin one’s sleep. Women need to keep a check on these to enable their bodies’ natural sleeping rhythm to express themselves.
  • Buy Proper Office Furniture- Due to the fact that a woman’s home office can be in the bedroom, kitchen, or dining room does not indicate that she cannot invest in some comfortable space. Getting an ergonomic, comfortable chair can work effectively for her muscles and back. The chair should be such that it supports her lower back as well as enables her to sit up straight with her feet touching the floor and the elbows bent at an angle of 90-degree. Trying a standing desktop or desk can also help, one that moves from sitting easily to standing height. When she stands and works for some time, it will offer a lot of health benefits, such as burning some calories.

During this crisis, working from home is an adjustment, especially for women juggling multiple tasks during this crisis. They should try the tips mentioned above to remain healthy and productive as they continue to do work from home.