This was the question I asked myself after I burned out from hustling, grinding and working 70+ hours a week while sacrificing my sanity as things got busy.

Running a business and helping others is great, but also costs energy. The hustle, the grind, the tight working schedule. It can all be so exhausting.

As I had a look at what the most successful CEO’s and entrepreneurs were doing, I noticed a clear pattern, among those who were able to fit in both – a healthy body and a healthy (and successful) business.

They all start their day off by making themselves – or to be specific – their health, a priority.

Just as in airplanes, they understand that they have to put on their oxygen mask first before they can serve others. In this case, the oxygen mask is your health.

They know that the entrepreneur whose muscular torso is visible through his suit, and who has one of those iron grip handshakes thanks to his intensive workouts at the gym exudes more power and confidence than the entrepreneur who feels tired, sluggish and is barely out of breath after climbing a single flight of stairs.

This shows the raising trend among CEO’s and entrepreneurs who see the benefits of being fit and energetic. Strauss Zelnick or Richard Branson have both become two examples of what high performing individuals can achieve when balancing business and body.

Here are 6 simple and easy to implement steps you can apply, which my busiest clients use to get fast and sustainable results when it comes to their fitness and health.

Before you start, the best thing you can do right now is to take out your calendar and plan time for every activity.

1. Mindset Reframing

To achieve your desired goal, you must become the person who has already achieved that goal.

You are more than just a successful entrepreneur. That’s why the first thing of this 6-step daily fitness & health routine is to visualize your future self, who is not only successful in business, but fit and healthy. Each morning read out loud the 3 answers to these questions:

–    Where do I want to be 12 months from now?
–   Why do I want to be there?
–   What happens to me and my family if I don’t reach this goal?

Doing this will reinforce the actions you take on a daily basis, while also reminding yourself what happens if you don’t reach your goal, towards becoming a fit, healthy and even more successful you.

2. Hydration

Water is the elixir of life. You can’t drive a long distance with little fuel in your tank.

If you are dehydrated, you probably are going to experience a headache, lack of focus, lack of energy and a decrease in productivity, which costs you and your business money.

Considering that 75% of the US population is dehydrated, here’s what to you can fill up your tank:

Aim for 3-4 liters of water a day and put your daily dose next to where you spend most of the time (ex. office table)

3. Decompression Time

Decompression time is space to give your mind time to recover from thinking and being switched on all day.

Our brain isn’t programmed to be switched on all the time. Just like a car, it needs here and there a break. Applying this in a practical way means taking daily time out to recover yourself from constant thinking and being switched on.

Plan 2 daily walks – each for 10-20 minutes where you go outside for a walk without technology.

Not only will these result in a mental break to get back more focused at work, but to recharge your energy by moving and letting more blood flow through your brain, decreasing stress and burning more calories, as a positive side effect of walking.

4. Sleep

One way to recover your body and mind is by sleeping. Sleep is the most important part to have more energy.

It has a direct influence on appetite, fat loss, recovery and therefore on your daily energy. Without proper sleep, you aren’t recovered and it will be hard to perform at your highest level. Successful CEO’s like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos put a high priority on their sleep schedule, as the quantity and quality of their sleep have a direct influence of the decision they make.

Studies have shown that 7-9 hours per night seem to be optimal for a good output during the day. Aim to increase your sleep quantity 30 minutes every night until you hit your optimal sweet spot.

To increase your sleep quality, avoid using any electronic device 1 hour before going to bed.

5. Nutrition

The food you put in your body is just like the fuel you put in a car. The higher the quality of the food you put in, you more likely you are going to drive a long distance.

I’m not a fan of restricting dieting, therefore I aim for simple habit shifts to start off, such as:

Processed and oily foods, liquid calories and caffeinated drinks

Including more of
Omega 3 fats, unprocessed foods (anything that comes from a plant or an animal) and nutrient rich foods

6. Home Workout

Going to the gym while traveling and being very busy can be difficult. To start off, I like to give my clients a home workout. You too can use a simple 15-20-minute body-weight workout that you can do in the office, hotel room, at the beach or at home.

Doing this body-weight workout 2-3 times a week is enough to get momentum and see results.

The Key To Make It All Work & Accelerate Your Results

Implementing these 6 tips can results in a boost in your energy and performance long after work is done. The key to consistent implementation is accountability, as research has shown that chances to success increase to 80-95%.

The best way to hold yourself accountable is by getting support from a coach or mentor. Besides accountability, you’ll cut the learning curve, as your time is highly valuable. Find someone who can support, hold you accountable and design a custom tailed plan that fits into your busy lifestyle – rather than getting a cookie cutter program that doesn’t include your needs, preferences and your tight schedule.