Light has come to the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into light for fear that their deeds were evil. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.’ (John 3:19-21)

‘If you want to reap success, you must plant success’ – Neville Goddard

‘Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.’ Buddha

Neville Goddard said that the Gifts of mind and speech equals from the gift of immortality – the truth of the Gods. What he meant is that each one of us has the power to create the right circumstances in our own life.

Neville Goddard said that transforming the mind is transforming the conversation. That you have the freedom of choice; that there can be a day of salvation and that it is up to each of us to make that choice. ‘When you make the conscious choice to create your future, the World reframes the words of God. Your inner talking when you change it has the power to change the world.’ And that is exactly what we all need to do now: change our inner talking in order to change the world we see in front of us.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. – Aldous Huxley

Now that we know, how can we bring the light back into the world?

How can we ‘fix’ our world? We all wish we could right? According to the spiritual laws, a guru has no beliefs, does not defend, does not prove, nor can he teach wisdom to anybody. Evolution, change is an inside job.

We all tend to think that ‘THE OTHER SIDE’ is wrong, that they do not understand us, dont’ we?

As Buddha said:‘The trouble is you think you have time.’ Time is up folks, the clock is ticking for the survival of humans on this planet. ‘This is our last dance’ as the band Queens sang in the ’70s! Perhaps, we do still have enough time, perhaps we don’t; perhaps if we join hands, we could create better rather than more, in a more efficient way, and beat the countdown of our existence on this planet, a countdown that might be against us at this moment. The irony is that we do not have much time, yet we have to slow down in order to become more aware, so that we may find the proper solutions for the benefit of all of us.

‘Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.’ – Plato

There is no need, nor time for arguing, nor convincing anymore. It is time for all of us to stop putting the blame on others – the others being the leaders of our world in the political and economic arena and all those around us we keep blaming for our own circumstances.

With our thoughts, we make the world.’ Buddha

Everything we see around us was imagined, created, by someone just like you and me. This chaos you see all around is a mere consequence of our collective consciousness – our thoughts – becoming our daily actions, and then our lives. The thoughts we constantly choose to believe in, every single day, create the world we live in.

The fact that you might think that your God is better than THE OTHER, that your culture is MORE POWERFUL than THE OTHER, that people who went to the BEST UNIVERSITIES and SCHOOLs own ‘THE KNOWLEDGE’, is not aligned with the direction we should take, I believe, to create more wisely.

‘You cannot solve a problem from the same mind that created it.’ – Albert Einstein

We have to stop arguing about who is right and wrong, whether it’s those on the left or right side of politics. We have to stop arguing for hours every Sunday, every week, every year the same old way. It is time to rethink the way we think and solve current issue in our world!

Time is up for arguments, for late shows making fun of politicians and for news to create headlines with reactions to reactions 24/7, each newschannel competing with the other for the best headline! The more we focus on an idea that promotes fear or dividiveness, the more it grows.

It is time to put aside the concept of separation. Separation is a that when applied in our everyday lives, might be the cause of many of our global issues, and even perhaps slow down the process of solving those same issues. That stranger ythate, that homeless person, this prisoner, they are just like you and me, humans wishing to create for themselves a fulfilling life, longing to be loved and seen, the same need we have had since the first day we were born.

‘All that we are is the result of that we have thought.’ Buddha

The world we live in, our own life, we create it every day, with our own thoughts, which set the wheel in motion for the choices and actions we make! The world is not created solely by leaders, but rather by each one of us, every single day. If only every human would become conscious, their own potential, of their own power. It’s time for all of us to stop complaining about what is not working and wake up to our own power, our own truth and purpose.

The mind is everything. What you think you are, you become.’ Buddha

Louise Hay in one her book explains how self-loving affirmations can help us change and shift our own life in a positive way. It might be time for all of us to take a good look at ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves if what we see is what we really want to be, if what we are becoming is the legacy we wish to be remembered for in this lifetime.

We are in an era that is becoming one of self-actualization and self-awareness. It is time to ask ourselves if we are creating the life, the family, the community, the country, the world we want to live in, or merely living a life tailored by others, for others, waiting for life to happen to us, rather than for us.

Did you know that by stopping to blame others and outside circumstances, by discovering who you are, you can reframe your mind, and change the world on your way there? That sounds crazy, right? Strangely, by doing that, we might create the biggest ripple effect for change ever created on this planet, without the need to go through a major and painful Revolution, like we did in the past.

How to put our efforts in the same direction

Do you remember the ‘Standing Rock’ protests? The biggest lesson of that event, might be that we don’t have to like each other to work together. There was surprisingly a lot of discord between camps, many people gathered together with very different beliefs and backgrounds, but despite that, they came together to fight against this one thing they all agreed it was awful.

What they fought for together then, might be this time, the countdown for the survival of our species that is pressing us to act, to put our efforts in the same direction, despite our eternal disagreements to be right or wrong.

‘The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.’ – Albert Einstein

Will you choose to act and unite or decide to stay a bystander? As Saint-Apollinaire once said: ‘Il est grand temps de rallumer la lumière’, which means, it is great time to bring back the light in our world, light and darkness being a constant battle in our world. Even if there is objectively, less violence in our world, the emotion of fear still pervades, giving many people the impression that violence has risen.

I strongly believe that in order to achieve a common sense of purpose to survive and thrive, the concepts of separation and ego will have to be questioned constantly over and over.

Altogether, we have the power to change things. It’s a matter of stepping up to our own truth, making the choice to see the reality as it is, by empowering ourselves and stop seeing ourselves as victims of this world! We have the power, not only to change the status quo, but to create something better than we could have ever imagined possible.

‘For wherever the truth of vision comes upon the world, it is like a rain. The world, you see, is happier after the terror of the storm.’ Black Elk, a Sioux Holy Man

This text is an introduction to the book I am writing to propose a new way to think and solve issues in the world. We are in a time of transition and it is the best time to recreate all systems of society, whether it is the way we govern, our relationship with money, the education system, the way we heal. My life purpose is to ask and raise uncomfortable questions like Socrates did, and perhaps these questions will open doors to new solutions we could agree on. – Sophia Wisdom Writer


  • Isabelle-Anne Belanger

    Spiritual Book Writer and Motivational Speaker

    Isabelle is a Spiritual Writer. She dreams of a world, where each one us could be what they were meant to be. She traveled in over twenty countries, lived in three, and is planning to visit all the wonders of the world while living as a Spiritual Writer. She is currently working on creating opportunities, to share her story of empowerment, through publishing a book on rethinking the way we think and solve issues in the world through inner and outer awareness, the end of separation between disciplines and the integration of the lessons from history.