Yesterday, there was a lot of reflection on the part of many of us, for what took place in the past year. We remember how the Earth seemed to have stood still. We remember the promises we made to ourselves about our dreams, and what we had planned on accomplishing for the year 2020! We remember so much. Our achievements. Our defeats. What we missed out on. What we have yet to get to. Navigating through our frustrations, our disappointments, while trying to pursue our dreams in the midst of an international pandemic. Yes! There were lessons learned, while going through the process of licking our wounds, and have to grapple with what went wrong. And, of course, a number of us are kicking ourselves for accomplishments we did not get to, or things we wished to have accomplished, during the course of the 2021 year! Walking around in frustrations over what we could have done, should have done, or would have done for the year 2020! Then, we find ourselves going crazy about things, and laying in bed wondering about, what if?

Before you do that, just stop! Its amazing how we can get so hard on ourselves over this need for some of us to be perfectionist! Many of us have been guilty about this! Why? Sometimes, it feels as if we do not have much time. 2020 made it very clear that we are not always given countless chances! It was this year, where we were forced to re-assess the value of life, and the very meaning of, living! So, 2020 was the year of that internal housekeeping, in which many of us needed to partake in. It was vital and necessary, in doing so; that we could get things, in order. That’s it! Makes sense now! 2020 was the year in which we got things, in order! Furthermore, it was also a period of healing and understanding our true value! What are you worth? Are you living in your full potential? Are you living your life’s purpose? Lastly, are you fulfilling the destiny, that Heaven has ordained for you? If not, how does a person get to that level? Ok. Now, we are getting somewhere! If 2020 was the year of further, self reflection, then perhaps, 2021 is the year, in which we demonstrate to the world how much we have reflected upon. That’s something beautiful to experience!; Edits By Lauren K. Clark

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is to say ‘I don’t want to.'”

Lao Tzu

We may have made mistakes in the 2020 year! Mistakes of procrastination. Mistakes of not keeping our promises to ourselves in doing what we said we would do for the 2020 year. Alright. We may feel bad about that. The more important question is, what did you learn from it? What are you doing to do about it? Now, we are getting somewhere. The entire idea from 2020 is to have learned great things about yourself! What did you produce? What did you create? Furthermore, how will you get better? That is where we need to get to. Please also remember that timing of the past is not separated from the present. Whatever energy was left there can also be brought into the current times! Dreams, the completion of tasks, and unfinished projects can be brought into the current times. The notion of something being “too late,’ needs to be further assessed into how misleading it can be.; especially, for those still in the living world.

“Always remember there is the overlapping of time! The years 2020 and 2021 are not separated from each other!”

Lauren K. Clark; Edits By Lauren K. Clark

One of the major questions you should ask yourself is what did you leave behind? What energies did you wish you had worked on more? What improvements did you wish you had given more attention to? Do you still have the passion to work on improving you, and fixing what has gone wrong? Saying “yes” is all that you need! In fact, it is that initial start up phase, in ensuring that 2021 kicks off to a great start, and a wonderful phasing! Its important!

First things first, get over the regrets and hang-ups that you have about not completing everything that you wished to do. Things happen! Nevertheless, what is important, is that you continue to build up from where you left off. That’s very important. There are necessary things, which have to be assessed. And yes, its alright to look towards the year 2020, and to immerse into that energy of that particular time period; as long as you are continuing to move into the current time frame. Its alright to experience memories, and explore auras, within that particular time. Just as long as you are remembering to stay in the current timing. Such is very important!

“Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne; Edits By Lauren K. Clark

So now, we are in the year of performing what we learned in the year, 2020! Such is a very important theme. Question 2: How well are you willing to perform this reflection of your interpretation for this current year? Now, that is a very important question. It requires a great deal of work. Are you willing to put in that amount of work? After all, work is necessary in order to re-gain balance. When it comes to production and creation, it is often our underperformance, which creates a factor of guilt. Nevertheless, increasing our level of productivity and creativity permits us the ability to feel better, and get back into our life’s purpose and journey.

We are here in 2021! That’s when going by this particular calendar. Let’s remember that in other traditions, the New Year has not even begun, yet. However, for the purposes of this article, we will refer to this current, time and calendar measurement. Nevertheless, let us continue to move through our passions for this new era, and journey, within our lives! There is a great awakening and power left in those of us, who are still here, on this Earth. Therefore, let us move into understanding just how passionate and profound these current times! Whatever we may have forgotten, left behind, or are unaware of, pick it up and keep going. Keep moving! Keep producing and keep creating! Move through that energy of regret and RECLAIM, what you left behind!

Happy New Year, Everyone! Let’s move through a period of balance, and perform new knowledge and WISDOM into 2020’s DOMAIN! Just imagine how pleasant it will be to no longer deal with regrets, as production and creativity will be a new wave of energy in retrieving the, incomplete!; Edits By Lauren K. Clark


  • Lauren K. Clark

    Lauren K. Clark hails from Atlanta, Georgia. Currently based in Cairo, Egypt, she is a lover of travel, studying different languages, the arts, and more!

    Coming from Atlanta, Georgia, Lauren K. Clark came to Cairo, Egypt for her graduate studies in Gender & Women's Studies/Migration and Refugee Studies. A writer, published in 6 countries, project coordinator, working with refugee/migrant children, and just enjoying the magic and power of life. The world of theater is her therapy, and the performing arts lavishes her world! Enthralled with the mysteries of the Universe, and all the beauties, Creation has to offer.