What do you look for when you think about pure and unconditional love? Does one mean ‘love’ in saying ‘I like you’ or ‘I love you’? The truth is that we accept what we think is ‘love’ in many ways.

None, except the Gnani purush knows and applies the absolute definition for the word ‘love’?

Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan reciting what Kabir said, explains, ‘That which increases one moment and decreases the next, is not love. That which resides in the heart and remains the same, is real love.’

Taking an example, in the course of a combat within a father and son, one can quite easily make out that the father shows his love by way of protecting son while scolding him whilst the son does not listen to him. The other way can be seen, while a girl’s boyfriend presents her a gift containing sweets and bouquet of roses. She will say, “This is what shows he truly loves me.”

But, how can one make sure that this is love? how does the scolding of a father, which appears although negative, display something that we call as love? On the other front, how can one determine the affection shown by using kind gestures and giving gifts as true love?

Generally, we do not understand what love truely is or how it can be given or recieved. Luckily, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan describes the exact meaning of love by explaining the different characteristics of what Pure Love is:

  • Love remains within normal bounds
  • Love is sincere
  • Love does not see faults
  • Real love has NO motives
  • Love is selfless
  • Love has no limitations
  • Love arises from absolute detachment
  • There is no emotion in love
  • Where there is love, there is liberation.

In further explanation, love remains in normal bounds or remains in equaniminty. Under this, the characteristic of love (stated above) are all linked together. For example, if a wife claims to love her husband but feels hate for him only when he scolds her, then that is not love.

True love is a like a steady variable in a technological know-how equation. it has to stay and cannot alternate. This means love must be steady; it can’t increase nor decrease at any given point of time irrespective of any instances. If it fluctuates, then it is considered as infatuation and attraction. “Real love should not break under any circumstances. It can only be called love if it never breaks. That is the test of love. However, whatever love there is which is of any worth, it is the love of a mother.explained by Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan.

Hence, in love, one ought to not see faults in anybody for anything even if they try and hurt you. That can be honestly called True love. Adoption of flawless vision, sincerity emerges in love. As Gnani purush does not see faults in anyone in any respect irrespective of what their past or present activities represents of themselves. This love of the Gnani purush is pure due to the fact he loves all because he loves everyone equally with no motive. He might not know everybody but this love can nevertheless be felt in his presence because he has no selfish means to seek anything from anyone.

Pure love will that which always remain constant and free from any attachment. That is why pure love must be free of any sort of emotions.

If there is any sadness or excessive happiness, then this is not love. Any plus or minus, give or take is not found in love. Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan says, “Until one attains the state where one becomes free of all insistence, the love of the world will not be acquired”. With this pure love, one can seek liberation. This liberation is full of infinite bliss and pure love.

In order to begin applying Pure Love to life, one must have attained the Knowledge and experience of Pure Soul. The Gnani Purush gives this knowledge that can be received by attending Gnan Vidhi. Once our own self, the Soul, is realized and kept in awareness, one can see and use the applications of these characteristics in Pure Love.
