There is never a bad time to dive into great books to stir our perspectives. Reading is not just about entertainment, it is, more importantly, a way to gain empathy, understand experiences other than our own and learn from each other and history alike. It has been the driver for change and opportunity for silenced voices to be heard.

What have you read lately that sparks your curiosity or your inner advocate or your entrepreneurial drive? There are so many delicious pieces of literature and writing out there these days there is seldom enough time. 6 brilliant reads to inspire curiosity, open-mindedness and a drive to create a better world.

More Than Enough by Elaine Welteroch

An autobiography following the life and emergence of Elaine Welteroch who is an American journalist and editor. The youngest editor of a Conde Nast publication in its 107-year-old history and only the second person of African-American heritage to hold such a title at Conde Nast. In More than Enough Elaine Welteroch shares her life story and major lessons learned. She is a female trailblazer, a sage soul, and a testament to the potential of all youth in all industries. She defied all traditional career ladders and did it with grace and agency, and most importantly she is now sharing her story to inspire young women. What is special about the book is Elaine’s’ honest storytelling about her professional journey and how her many influences and decisions in her personal life affected her path.

Three Women by Lisa Taddeo

Lisa Taddeo follows the real sex lives of three women over a decade. It is a true piece of investigative reporting and brilliant storytelling, as she weaves between the stories of Maggie, Lina, and Sloane. The book is engrossing and complex, so candid and honest, and through the real stories opens your eyes to the often lonely journey women wander on as they seek to fill their desires and wants. I highly recommend this, it won’t disappoint.

Whose Land is it anyway? A manual for decolonization by Various Authors

A moving collection of essays written by Indigenous academics, renowned writers, and activists in Canada, and was published in memory to famous indigenous activist Arthur Manuel. Its a deep dive into the various aspects of indigenous history, treatment, and realities of indigenous peoples in Canada. Too often we don’t realize we are operating on misinformation or lack of information, that is more than the case with our indigenous history in Canada. This is an important read for anyone in Canada, and the first step in becoming good allies to indigenous peoples. The book is also a free publication so there are no excuses!

Upheaval by Jared Diamond

If you enjoyed Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond this newest book may be a great summer read for you. Upheaval dissects into the complicated and chaotic periods of national crisis and how governments, citizens, and democracy held up to the test. Whether you are an apocalypse junkie or a political one you will enjoy the well researched deep dives into the case studies Diamond presents. It is also a great reminder that we have so much to learn from history and the particular fragility of democracy.

My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

By far one of my favorite books I have read this year, if not in a long time. This deeply dark novel is fast-paced, deliciously hilarious, and packaged in a story about sisterhood, violence, and the realities of our social media filled lives. It is certainly unique and exquisitely written. If you are yearning for a good thriller this is a must!

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Its been out since last summer but it is just as relevant right now and into the future as it was last year. Robin DiAngelo, an educator and academic, whose experience in diversity training and corporate America is lengthy writes a compelling piece of work detailing the concept of ‘White Fragility’ in particular how it shows up in all aspects of our white privileged lives. She dissects the pillars of whiteness or the ways that we continue to build and uphold racist beliefs despite our own realization. It is an important read for all of us that walk in the line of white privilege. Find it here.