For many of us, our worlds have gotten turned upside down in the last months.  We have lost everything from our wages to our businesses.  We have missed out on simple, daily interactions with family and friends, and long-planned celebrations of major life milestones. Some of us have struggled with our own health, and there are those amongst us who have lost family members. This like nothing most of us have ever experienced before. And while many of us may have wished for more time to think and to relax, more time to slow down and just feel, what some of us are feeling right now is panic.

But there are some simple ways that we can move our mind from panic to peace.  The use of mantras can be very helpful in refocusing us into the feelings we desire.  Used either during meditation, or during just a minute of two or deep breathing, the use of mantras can be a very powerful practice.  Breathe in and out deeply and fully as you repeat these mantras, either in your head, or aloud, and close your eyes focusing on the words as you breathe.

Peace guides my thoughts, my voice, and my actions. In these uncertain times, it can feel very much like things are out of control.  But the more we try to control the uncertainty, the worse it gets.  So while we can’t control what’s happening in the world, we can choose our reaction to it. We can choose our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Instead of reaching for control, reach for peace.  We can choose to think, to speak and to act from a place of peace.

There is an endless supply of peace available to me.  So what happens if you start off your morning using peace as your guide, but sometime halfway through the day (or let’s face it, some days it’s only halfway through the morning!) when you notice that the wheels are coming off the bus?  Maybe you’ve resorted to yelling at your kids, or your partner, or even yourself.  That’s ok.  It happens to all of us.  Forgive yourself and choose peace again.  Remember, there is always more  peace available, so when you feel like you’ve run out, just ask for more.  Return to breath, return to this mantra, and remind yourself that there is an endless supply of peace available to you.

I spread peace everywhere I go.   You are the one who sets the tone of your personal surroundings.  And you may be the one who sets the tone for your household, your family, and your workplace.  Regardless of how you may have shown up yesterday or last week, or anytime in the past,  you can decide today to spread peace.  Once you begin to react with peace, to continue to call in more of the peace you desire, then you can choose to spread that peace to everyone you interact with everywhere you go. 

My clients have used these mantras during our guided meditation makeover series, and have learned to completely shift their energy in as little as 10 minutes. With a little practice, these mantras can be a very powerful tool that allow us to refocus our thoughts anywhere, anytime. Return to this practice to turn yourself away from the panic of the outside world, toward the peace that is within you. Even in a pandemic, inner peace can be yours.