Do you ever get a feeling that your life has become like a Treadmill. You are running really very fast on the Treadmill but you are not making any Progress. So, in this article I will tell you, how to Change that.

Have you ever seen people who are not one quarter smart as you are and yet they are living your dream. They are doing extremely well, while you continue to be under Treadmill and not making any Progress.

Now the Big question is “Are those people Lucky ?”  Do they have special connections or resources Or are they more intelligent and brighter than you are? And the answer is “No”.  That’s not the case. In-fact I am going to tell you now to be just as lucky, Intelligent and strike the right resources and connections in your life. It’s not that Hard.

There are Four things that must happen and you must do consistently, in-order to get the same results that those people are getting.

1.  You must know, What you want:

This is obvious and sounds simple and you have been hearing it for a long time, but please hear me out. You have to really know what you want very clearly. It has to be crystal clear without any fuzz. You just cannot say “you want something” as that does not mean any thing to anybody.

Why do you have to know specifically and clearly what you want is because people cannot help you if they don’t know what you want. They cannot offer you assistance. What you need to do is you need to Write down exactly what you want. The best part of it is, the more you write, the more that thing becomes clear to you. And once you know what you want and write it down, you actually start a force in motion and that force begins to attract the right people and resources your way. Please write down what you want and I promise you it will work like magic  and create wonders for you.

2. Be the Best at what you Do:

According to a research, it is said that it takes about 10,000 hours of relentless efforts and practice before you actually become a Subject Matter Expert (SME) at anything. So, how many hours have you invested in your field that you can say  that you are an SME. When I first wrote a book, I had to learn a lot of things like how to market a book, how to publish a book, how to  copyright a book etc. In a nutshell, I had to spend a considerable amount of time in know-how and to actually write and publish a book. So, when I say you have to be the best, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be the best; what that means is as far as you know you are the best.

Remember, just because you have a college degree or you have read a few books that’s not enough. you have to continuously reinvest time learning and mastering your field so that you can say with confidence that you are the best in what you do.

3. Just Do it:

Now that you know what you want and also you are best at it, but that’s not enough. You need to get into the game by doing that stuff. For example, you purchase a car and you also took driving lessons but until and unless you drive your car by yourself you will not become a good driver. So, you have to Just Do it, that is, you have to drive the car.

Remember, people don’t respect you for what you want to do. People respect you because of what you did and what you have achieved. So, stop telling people what you want to do and get into the game (Just Do it) and then tell people what you did.

4. Get out of your Comfort Zone:

For years, psychologist have been studying the major difference between successful people and unsuccessful people/failures. Do you know what they have discovered. It’s very simple. They discovered that successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do. Let’s understand this way; successful people do not like to do the same thing that failures do not like to do but guess what, they do them anyway. For example, a body builder may not like to go to gym early winter morning but they do it anyway and this uncomfortable act of theirs sets them apart from normal people.

Basically, what we need to do here is to talk to yourself and program yourself that you are enjoying the uncomfortable and that’s it. Do the things that most people around you would not do and you would have the things that they would not have. Believe me, it’s not that hard.

So, when you wake up tomorrow, here is what I want you to do. I want you to look at the things which you feel uncomfortable doing and do them anyway, because usually that’s where your success will come from.

Good Luck & All the very Best in whatever you Do…
