There is much talk these days about decluttering your life. This includes your home, work, and environment. The truth is most people have a little clutter around their home. But how do you know if your home contains too much clutter? These six signs are a good predictor to find out just that.

  • finding things- How long does it take you to find things you are looking for? Are they in the first place you look?
  • countertops and/or tabletops- Do you have to work around clutter when you try to find space to unload groceries, or do you have to clear off space to find a clean spot to eat at the table?
  • buying multiple replacements- Have you ever had to buy replacements for things you were certain you already had but could not locate? Later, when you were not looking for it, it showed up where you had never looked.
  • garage- Is your garage used for other things besides a place to keep your car? Has it become a storage shed with your car staying outside?
  • company is an embarrassment- Areyou embarrassed if company stops by unannounced (or calls at the last minute to say they are coming over) because your house is a mess? Do you have a special “hiding place” to quickly throw and hide junk from your guests so they will not see it ?
  •  comfort of home- Your home is the place to come to and feel relaxed, surrounded by things that provide peace and tranquility. Do you feel that way when you look at your surroundings?

If you have answered yes to some of this, you may want to think about decluttering your home. Ask yourself how much of your clutter is an actual need and how much of it do you just keep out of habit? Do you think you will use something you have not used in the last three years? The answer is probably not. If you need to keep it, organize it in a way that it has a home, always to found when you need it. Decluttering may even bring you a sense of mental freedom by releasing things from your life you no longer need.


  • Peggy Bell

    Personal Development Coach, Author, Speaker

    Live Your Purpose

    Peggy Bell is a retired educator with forty years of teaching experience, as well as an author and bestselling co-author, personal development coach, and speaker.  After retirement, Peggy wanted to do more with her life, while continuing to add value to the lives of others. She set out to become a certified personal development coach. She empowers women who suffer from self-doubt to discover their inner truth and thrive in life according to their terms. She started her own business, Live Your Purpose, to encompass all that she does, including writing, creating online courses for 2020, and public speaking. Peggy is a firm believer that it is never too late to go after your dream. Visit her website for more information @