Admire the masterpiece: YOU

One out of eight couples never will. Do you recognize the gift?

Admire the Masterpiece: YOU

Women have had to fight for so many rights to be of equal standing with men that many of us have forgotten about a gift that only women have that truly separates us from men and distinguishes who we truly are as individuals.

Honoring and Celebrating Yourself

When I was in the South of France visiting the Chagall museum, a friend of mine accidentally tripped and put her fingerprints on a rare stained glass masterpiece. Everyone freaked and I thought she was going to be arrested. I then started to think about fingerprints and the uniqueness they represent. Have we failed to recognize how unique we are — that everything in us has a stamp of uniqueness making each of us a rare masterpiece of art? Our breath, eyes, tongue, have their own imprints on the world. There is only one you on this planet that brings a uniqueness and rare purpose that can be fulfilled only by you. I don’t think women or men, for that matter, value and honor themselves or everything that comes from them the same way a famous work of art is valued. I believe that every good thing that comes from us and is a part of us and grows in us is so beautiful and should be valued with a sense of awe. I believe that these good things bring authentic prestige our way. I think a missing piece of the puzzle regarding ourselves is our lack of understanding of our self-worth and celebrating every aspect of ourselves.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

The Gift of Being a Woman

The opportunity to have something created in your body is truly a gift. Men will never have the experience to create something in their body, nor will one out of eight women from puberty to their 50’s ever have the experience because of infertility issues. RESOLVE and infertility doctors corroborate that this is a fact. If you have the gift of pregnancy, you are the gifted one. Women will spend a lot of money on infertility drugs just to have a shot at pregnancy. Women could shut down the whole universe for creation and advancement if they chose to band together. That is a lot of power. Wouldn’t it be a shame to see creation and advancement halted like that? I speak as one no longer having this gift in admonishing my sisters who still do.

I hope each woman reading this would shift her perspective and recognize one of the valuable gifts given to a woman is the gift to create life and recognize that life is valuable because it comes from them and expresses their value and uniqueness. I believe that, like their fingerprints, it is a unique masterpiece that should be treasured with awe!!

Originally published at