As we are nearing the big day I thought it would be worthwhile to explore what is the New Year’s Day fuse all about.  Right from childhood, we have seen the trend of New Year’s Day celebration. No matter from which country you belong, it is common to hear that loud noise from clubs in the middle of the night on 1st January.

The days regularly transition, usually with no major significance; still, we get more excited about the change that happens between 31st December and 1st January. This special tick on the clock is celebrated by all with loads of fun and adventure.

This day is as special as our birthdays, anniversaries, and a few special religious occasions that always receive our special attention.

But have you ever thought about why this day has a unique symbolism? There must be some reason why this day is always special in everyone’s calendar.  Hope is something everyone believes in and can relate to aspiring for something more.

Although history connects to so many different versions of calendars with variable concepts, the formal acceptance in most of the countries was given to the Gregorian calendar which assumes 1st January as the start of the New Year. Usually, the celebration may vary from country to country depending upon the difference in time zones; most of the customs are almost similar around the world. The festival starts on New Year’s Eve, which is on 31st December, and then the countdown for a new start begins.

On this special day, people love to make resolutions to make some considerable changes in their life. The idea is to work upon self-improvement with a new year. Although most of the people fail to accomplish their goals, studies show that 4 out of 5 will eventually break their resolution and it has been proven that it takes approximately 66 days to make a new habit, not 21. 

As you celebrate your birthdays, the celebration for New Year’s Day also continues. It is the time to raise a toast for all the good things that we experience during the last 365 days and to reassure that something good will happen ahead in the coming 365 days. The resolutions are somewhere related to the betterment of our life as they focus on health, wealth, and growth. On this special day, some people decide to quit smoking, others resolve to exercise routines, and many others make good promises to improve their lifestyle. Committing to those resolutions can definitely lead to a great feeling in the long run, and it offers more control over our life.

New Year’s Day represents a new beginning, and people cherish this day with new hopes.  And once you believe in the hope you will aspire to make it come true.  In many countries, businesses announce a holiday so that all their employees can celebrate the day. However, many organizations organize office parties for their employees to make this day more memorable. Students also love to arrange get-togethers to celebrate this day.

But why does the resolution quickly fizzle away after a couple of weeks?  Sometimes you make a long list.  Just think back to your last New Year Resolutions.  You probably listed something about health or weight, finances, career, or developing better relationships.  These are all great aspirations but you want to make life-changing goals so why not start with one.  As goals in each of these categories will require a considerable amount of effort.

What you can replace with resolutions are intentions.  This way it can become a part of your life throughout the year and not just some quick fix.  As an intention, you can set up steps to ensure you are accomplishing small goals every day.  It’s a proven fact that the small things you do day in and day out leading up to the big success you have.  No one arrives at success with one big idea or one big opportunity but it’s what they have been doing day in and day out that leads to great success.  

The New Year celebration reassures you that something good is wrapped inside the new year, which will lead to more satisfactory survival.  I hope this New Year you decide to live with a distinct intention and hope every day.  As you plan a get together on this day with your family and friends.  Remember New Year’s a symbol of a new beginning and hope so I believe you will start the year with a bang.
