On runways, in photoshoots, and on movie sets — Katya Bakat has spent a great deal of time in the spotlight. Even though these usual spotlights have temporarily dimmed due to COVID-19 restrictions, Katya has rallied to find a new way to shine. While some might have been wringing their hands wondering what to do during this troublesome time, Katya was devising a plan to share her expertise and help others.

Katya recently launched her website HappyHeathyFancy, a platform to share her lifestyle, beauty tips, fashion tips, and general self-care regimens that she says should be everyone’s priorities. She advocates that self-care is more than the products and beauty routines you have to nourish your physical body. Self-care also involves your mental wellness. 

One of her most crucial goals is to make people aware that mental wellness is a vital component of being happy and every bit as important as physical wellness. Katya offers, “A person’s mental health depends on listening to your feelings and emotions and evaluating your stress levels and coping mechanisms.” She adds that once we start giving both aspects of wellness equal time, we will begin to move into a happier and healthier existence.

While she personally praises the benefits of meditation and getting enough sleep as two critical components for looking and feeling your best, she also knows it isn’t for everyone. The following is a list of some easy, everyday stress relievers and mood-boosters she suggests that will have you feeling ‘happy’ and ‘healthy’ in no time:

  1. Pick up the phone and talk to someone who understands the problems you’re going through. Whether it be a friend or family member or an actual mental health expert, recognizing your feelings is only half the battle, talking about them and working through them is the other half 
  2. Go for a quick walk or jog around the neighborhood to clear your head. Sometimes we get so consumed with our computer, getting work done, or even just watching tv that we forget how important physical movement and fresh air is. Even a 5-10 minute walk around the block will help boost your mood and clear your mind. 
  3. Turn on the music and dance. Listening to music is a great way to boost your mood, and if you can always use the time for your own personal dance party, you will feel lightyears better. Moving your body to your favorite tunes helps you physically and mentally.
  4. Have a cup of herbal aroma tea and a piece of your favourite chocolate. Yup that’s right she is telling you to go ahead and indulge and snack on your favorite chocolate. This is not an opportunity to binge eat foods that are bad for you, but relaxing over a warm cup of tea and giving yourself a little sugar boost is a great way to zen out. 
  5. Hug someone. COVID-19 has robbed us all of some of our most simple pleasures and most importantly human connection. If you find yourself going days with no human interaction or touch, it could be a reason for depression or sadness. A simple hug can go a long way and if you don’t have anyone around, a pet will do!

Browsing Katya’s website is undoubtedly motivating; it’s the captivating images of her scrolling magazine covers off to the side that catches your eye. Katya Bakat is living, breathing proof that her motto ‘Happy Healthy Fancy’ is far more than a catchphrase. In this disparaging time when the spotlights aren’t shining, and the movie sets are vacant, Katya doesn’t let that get her down and she doesn’t want you to be down either. She’s found a way to fuel her inner happiness by shining a spotlight on the path to a Happy, Healthy, Fancy lifestyle. To get more tips from Katya on how to take care  of your mental and physical wellness check out her  Instagram account.

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