At MYXfitness, we focus on providing immersive one-on-one coaching experiences because we know relationships are key to good health. But some relationships can be tricky. In this quick Mat Chat Monday conversation, we got together with a relationship expert to talk about how connections with others — and even ourselves — can make all the difference in our overall well being.

MYX Coach Christina LaGrega (@christina.lagrega) believes that empowerment is the key to taking control of your life. Great relationships with supportive family and friends can help get you there — and unresolved family of origin stuff can hold you back. So, Christina connected with relationship expert Rachel DeAlto to better understand how the relationships in our lives can clear paths or put obstacles in our way.


  • The Team at MYXfitness

    dedicated to providing healthier, happier lives for every body

    MYXfitness is on a mission to revolutionize health and wellness by pairing technology with expert coaching to make the benefits of fitness accessible, and fun. Their complete, science-backed workout system for body and mind helps people with full lives stay on track and achieve their fitness goals — simply, affordably, and from the comfort of their own homes, on demand. Their Mat Chat Monday video series on Thrive Global is an extension of their dedication to creating healthier, happier lives for every body by exploring holistic wellbeing from every angle. To learn more about MYX, visit their website, You can also follow MYX on Instagram, and subscribe to their weekly blog, The Bright Side.