Mantras are a bit like affirmations, but there’s a difference. They are also a form of meditation and, in my experience, they are incredibly powerful. Mantras help to quieten the mind, create space between your thoughts and allow you to get go of any thoughts that are causing you stress, frustration and anger. Mantras can also help you to change destructive thoughts into constructive ones.

Mantras to the rescue!

Each morning throughout this month, set your timer for three minutes before you get out of bed. Pick the mantra that seems most appropriate for the coming day. Then close your eyes and, as you silently repeat your chosen mantra to yourself, start to meditate on it: start to see the mantra happening, start to believe it, start to feel its presence within you. I guarantee that your mantra will then pop into your head several times throughout your day, even when you’re not meditating. It becomes so ingrained that you hear it over and over. And that’s super-empowering!

Mantra 1
‘I know my purpose, even thought part of me might be frightened to know it.’
Often, we do know our purpose, but our self-esteem is so low that we condition ourselves to believe that we don’t know it – that we don’t know what we’re doing with our lives. We do this to avoid the truth, to avoid the purpose that just might be tugging at us.

Mantra 2
‘I’m now open to see why I’m unclear and I want to be shown the reasons’
Start to tell your true, authentic self that you’re ready. You accept that things right now seem a bit fuzzy and that’s OK. But you’re equally ready to be shown the reasons why. Perhaps it’s because at some point in your past you were told that no one has a purpose, or that on the ‘greats’ of this world have one. And this kind of negative talk has affected you so much that you’re sending yourself conflicting messages. Use this mantra to bring to the surface those types of stories. Let go of anything in the past that told you you don’t have a purpose, for once and for all. Once you get rid of that stigma, things will start to open up. You will see within yourself much more clearly.

Mantra 3
‘Fear is normal. I’m allowed to feel fear and any other emotion that comes with recognising my purpose.’
As we discussed in Month Ten, fear is normal, and you can use it to your advantage, to fuel, empower, dig deeper and find your purpose. You can still be scared. That’s allowed. Heck, I”m still scared, but I use the fear and, in turn, I create courage to live my purpose.

Mantra 4
‘My purpose may shift throughout my life, and that’s OK.’
Many of use think we have just one purpose in life. And for some, that might be the case. But others might go through a lot of changes in their lives, and embark on many different paths headed towards different destination. And yes, that is totally normal and OK. The important thing is to remain yourself that whatever your journey is and wherever it takes you, you are on that path for a reason. You still have purpose, no matter where you go. Changing paths can be difficult, but you can make this change a little bit easier if you give yourself permission to let go of what might have been and instated welcome what’s coming next. These mantras aren’t magic, but they are useful and will help in the long run, by making space between your thoughts to help clarify and fulfil your purpose in life.
