Last year 24 million people quit their job with the intention of becoming their own boss. A recent Freshbook survey revealed that a pervasive lack of faith in executive decision making to be a pretty potent motivator. Successfully conveying a sense of authority can be achieved in a myriad of different ways-some of which come at the expense of social morale. It seems the least toxic way to go about achieving this, is through consistency and aptitude-people like to feel like their in good hands, that a capable mind is in the captain’s chair.

A new survey from SavvySleeper explores this correlation with sufficient rest as a backdrop.  The authors analyzed how late nights contributed to competence, temperance, company performance, and general office satisfaction.


Though only 25% of the 1,800 supervisors surveyed reported consistently getting a good night’s sleep, 90% of that margin believed it undoubtedly had a positive effect on their work, and 70% of those that habitually received poor sleep believed it to be informing their poor performance at work. The exact amount of sleep that constitutes as sufficient is governed by a couple of different things but an average healthy adult should aim anywhere between seven and nine hours a night. Fittingly, respondents that occasioned at least seven hours and 15 minutes dually reported work satisfaction and adequate employee performance. One in three supervisors that got five hours of sleep or less, were regularly undermined by their subordinates.

The full report suggests that sometimes poor sleep is consequenced by an awful work environment. Sixty-nine percent of bosses that experienced trouble sleeping said work-related stress was the cause, and an additional 21% cited physical exertion.

Most of the remaining finds are to be expected, like the fact that well-rested bosses were more than 10% more likely to be well-received amongst their staff. Thirty-percent more likely to maintain focus throughout the day,  more than 40% more likely to retain energy, and 20% more likely to leave their office in a good mood, but the association even extended to salary and compensation. Well-rested execs pulled an annual average that was $5,000 higher than poorly rested ones.

Similarly, a well-rested manager achieves an extra four hours of productivity and are nearly twice as likely to reach their performance goals and deadlines by Monday, in addition to being 8% more likely to dish out bonuses to their staff.

Seventy-seven percent of well-rested bosses said that they gave out bonuses in the last year, compared to 69% of poorly rested bosses. The former group was also more likely to receive a little extra compensation themselves. Conversely, more than half of sleep supervisors reported getting into fights with their employees, and 43% of that same group confessed to losing their patience quicker because they were already irritable going into the row.

Even if they came out the victor, a little under 40% came to find that their directives had been promptly placed on the pay-no-mind-list. While it should be said that employee appreciation was impressively high in both parties, (93% vs. 89%), few could argue that a firm can maintain productivity and equanimity with a red-eyed leader at the helm.

“Even if you’re not in charge of a team, you’re still the boss of your own life – and that means you need restful sleep. Managers who got more sleep were friendlier, more focused, more energetic, and better able to cope with stress at work than their poorly rested counterparts,” the report says. “They also had sunnier outlooks on their relationships with their subordinates. In turn, employees who worked under well-rested bosses were higher-performing and better appreciated.”

This article was originally posted on The Ladders.

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