There’s no one answer to handling your daily emails. I see them as an intimate relationship, and as you know everyone has their own way of making close relationships thrive! My husband and I have been married for over 10 years and schedule sex. I have friends that freely intertwine in between the sheets whenever it randomly works for their lives and we’re both equally happy.

Your mind and the way in which you perceive your tasks will reflect your gratitude and productivity level. There’s a saying that goes “You can’t ask to eat, then complain when your plate is full!” Emails represents growth, opportunity, connections, relationships, promotions, ad communication. Start making love to your emails. Get excited about the possibilities that await once you click open a message. select a time that works best for you to make love to them’ read and respond.  If you’re an entrepreneur, speaker, and life coach like me, I’m making love to them all day long. I have set times in the morning, on my lunch break, and in between waiting for meetings, because I see them as future orgasms or should I say deals and contracts.

If you can’t make love to them, then hire an assistant to romance your emails and handle your administrative tasks.

But, remember this… If you don’t make love to them, someone else will. Those deals will find a new bed to lay in.