Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

There are plenty of people out there who absolutely adore animals and may even potentially prefer them to humans. On the flip side, there are people who aren’t so fussed about animals, and they couldn’t care less about a gorgeous chocolate Labrador even if it looked at them with the sweetest puppy dog eyes. And then, on the other end of the spectrum, there are people who absolutely abhor animals altogether.

Why do some people love animals more than others?

While there are plenty of people out there who feel no love for animals, there are others who could never imagine having a pet-free home. Recent research has proven that there’s a genetic basis to wanting a pet, while other studies have shown that the desire to have a pet is credited to grown-up children wanting to imitate their childhood home. Essentially, if you had a pet growing up, you’ll want to create those memories in your own adult life and with your own children too.

But what about those people who never had a childhood pet, yet would love nothing more than bringing a puppy or kitten into their adult home? Some studies have suggested that today, affection for pets goes together with a concern for the natural world. The thought process is that pets help us reconnect with our natural environment, which some people simply have an affinity for, and others don’t.

A little too much love?

Of course, there are signs that you may love your pet a little bit too much. While many humans will consider their pets part of the family (and they very much are), treating them like humans may be a sign that you’re a little bit too obsessed. Some other examples that may point to a little too much love include:

  • Finding a way to weave them into every conversation.
  • Constantly bragging about new things they’re doing.
  • Having a pet-friendly office is a legitimate job perk.
  • Choosing between going out with friends or hanging with your pet is the easiest choice you’ll make all day.
  • You stop to pet and chat with every single dog or cat that passes you by.
  • You’re constantly buying your pet new things.
  • You can distinguish between your pet’s voice and another animal’s and, on top of that, know which meow or bark can be attributed to which feeling.

Getting a pet

All jokes aside, a pet can be the most wonderful addition to your home. Of course, this is a lifelong commitment, and when deciding whether to get a pet, you need to consider how it will affect your lifestyle and whether you can give it the love and attention it deserves. Remember, while there are loads of rewards, there are also sacrifices too.

When deciding whether to get a pet, ask yourself two important questions:

  1. Am I prepared to provide a place for a pet in my home?
  2. Can I care for it in all facets, from health and sickness, to play and attention?

Once you’ve made the decision, here are some things to consider.

  • The type of pet – are you a dog or a cat person? What kind of environment can you provide? Do you need an indoor pet or an outdoor pet? Do you want an independent animal or one that craves attention? Every animal will have its own set of daily needs including nutrition, pet care, and grooming.
  • Plan for the expensespets aren’t cheap. On top of food, grooming and play equipment, there are also vet check-ups, insurance and any sickness you need to deal with.
  • Do you have the time for a pet – pets need love and affection, just like humans. They also need exercise and training. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to your pet’s needs, perhaps it’s best to wait until you do. This also includes ensuring your pet is cared for when you travel and, if you work long hours, there’s a suitable arrangement you can come up with to ensure your pet has company and gets the exercise it needs.
  • Is your location suitable for your chosen pet – some pets need more space and other pets like to wander. You need to consider your home (whether apartment, townhouse or detached property) and your neighborhood. Is the area safe for roaming pets, and do you have the space on your property for your chosen animal?

Working with animals

If you can’t commit to owning a pet, perhaps it’s best to work with them. Or alternatively, you may have your own animals and you simply love them so much you wish to be surrounded by furry friends all day. Either way, there are some animal-friendly occupations that will suit you perfectly.

  • Veterinarian – there are multiple opportunities here including zoo veterinarian or working in a practice. Either way, you’ll get to spend time with loads of animals. If you don’t want to go, full-blown veterinarian, perhaps you could consider being a vet assistant.
  • Zoologist – prefer to work with animals in the wild or controlled environments such as the zoo? Zoologists work in wildlife conservation and preservation and work with animals extensively.
  • Animal trainer – work with animals, more specifically dogs, and horses, and their owners to ensure they’re trained and can cope with behavioral issues.
  • Dog walker – want to get some exercise into your day and would love nothing more than spending it with a whole lot of dogs? Being a dog walker may be the perfect option for you.

Final remarks

There’s no denying that there are some people who simply adore animals and others who don’t. But for those who love pets, there are options galore when it comes to ensuring you have lots of time to enjoy some cuddly companions.