Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you reduce your possessions to the least possible by living with the bare essentials.

Our human nature makes us believe the more we have, the happier we will feel.

Since we find a certain comfort in our possessions, we tend to collect as much as we can because we are afraid of what tomorrow holds. And also, because our human nature makes us believe the more we have, the happier we will feel. Yet in reality the journey towards minimalism can be more rewarding.

Living with less, makes you think about the important things, teach you the value of your possessions. Choosing what is necessary from what is not in your life can reveal a hidden truth about yourself. The journey to minimalism is a journey of self-discovery.

Moreover, many people associate having a lot of possessions with wealth. Thus, we are afraid of being stripped down from them. In reality, it is more dangerous to possess a lot of things, since we compare everything we have with what other people have. Which leads to diminishing your self-worth.

However, if you don’t possess much you won’t be able to compare and you will find a piece of mind. With time, you will come to realize there is actually more joy in owning less.

Don’t get minimalism wrong, it is not about restriction, it’s more a tool to freedom from the trapping consumer culture we are living in. Minimalists search happiness through life itself and not trough possessions.

Here are some benefits of living with less:

  • Decluttering the place, you live in helps you get more space
  •  Focusing your time and energy on the important things and people surrounding you.
  •  Spending more money on your well-being through traveling or treating yourself to an activity you wouldn’t have been able to before.
  • Gaining more time.

Deep down we all know that happiness cannot be bought at a store and less is always more.