Is your brain the most important pathway to your success? It might be, based on the world’s largest database of brain scans that have determined your brain type is closely linked to your personality type. Understanding brain type you can improve your brain health and maximize your potential.

What’s Your Brain Type?

In our brain imaging work at Amen Clinics, we began by looking for patterns that could help us diagnose and treat mental health conditions. After studying more than 160,000 brain SPECT scans that measure blood flow and activity, we also realized that certain brain patterns corresponded to personality types. Based on our research, we have identified five primary brain types that influence who you are, how you behave, and how you work with others.

To discover your brain type, take our free online Brain Health Assessment quiz.

Brain Type 1 — Balanced

Personality: You’re likely to be focused, flexible, and emotionally stable. You’re one of those people who accomplish things and show up on time; follows through on promises and copes well with life’s ups and downs. In general, you aren’t much of a risk taker and you prefer to follow the rules.

Career: Good employees, managers, and project coordinators in just about any industry.

Support: Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and take multi-vitamins.

Brain Type 2 — Spontaneous

Personality: You love trying new things, have a wide range of interests, and would rather do things on the spur of the moment than have a set schedule. You think outside the box, don’t believe that rules apply to you, and are typically late for appointments. Organization isn’t your strong point, and you’re such a risk taker that your behavior might get you into trouble.

Career: Common among entrepreneurs, entertainers, politicians and realtors.

Support: Eat a higher-protein diet; take supplements, such as green tea, rhodiola, and ginseng; and do cardio exercise.

Brain Type 3 — Persistent

Personality: You like to get things done. You tend to be strong-willed. You like routines and have trouble going with the flow. You may be a worrier and you tend to be argumentative.

Career: Common among chief operating officers, project managers, and web engineers.

Support: Boost serotonin in the brain with healthy carbs, salmon, turkey, eggs, nuts, and seeds; supplements like 5-HTP and saffron; and burst training.

Brain Type 4 — Sensitive

Personality: You tend to have great empathy for your those you are surrounded by. You can be deeply moved by art. You may struggle with moods, can feel overwhelmed, and are likely to have lots of automatic negative thoughts (ANTs).

Career: Common among therapists, healthcare professionals, social workers, as well as creative types.

Support: Eat healthy fats, such as avocado, almonds, and salmon; take omega-3 fatty acids, s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), and vitamin D; and do physical activities like dancing or team sports.

Brain Type 5 — Cautious

Personality: You’re likely to feel anxious, which typically makes you more prepared. People with this type tend to have such busy minds that it’s hard to relax. You may have a tendency to expect the worst and have a fear of failure that prevents you from going for your dreams.

Career: You may gravitate to jobs in accounting, research, or data mining.

Support: Avoid caffeine, booze, and sugary sweets; supplement your diet with GABA, magnesium, and B6; and try calming activities.

After taking your Brain Health Assessment send it to your coworkers and support system to see how you can work together to maximize each other’s brain types for better success.
