Keep Moving

As the year 2019 is coming to an end and the holidays are drawing in, most people are already salivating over the coming break. Traditionally, the year ending is not just for holidays, it is also for festivity. So it is not unexpected that people get giddy about the feverish height of excitement that comes with the festive period.

And the fact that most people have been busy at their jobs all day, week and year round, with their eyes on coveted goals and aspiration, makes the holidays seemingly a time to rest. This may be a big false status. Because the holidays can even be more hectic than being at your job.

Not realising this beforehand may give you a jolt capable of unsettling your resolve. And the confusion that follows may plunge you into a state tantamount to courting burnout.

For the purpose of record, let me mention it here that some suggested measures hyped as the ultimate remedy for workplace burnout are in reality misleading and counterproductive. Mainly because they failed to recognise the indefinite nature of burnout.

What predisposes a Mr A to burnout may not have any such negative effect on Mr B. Individual differences matter a lot.

Burnout is more of a psychology issue than physical, but definitely a combination of both. Working hard without much rest does not necessarily predispose you to burnout any more than when you work lightly but without job satisfaction.

It is the same with what resting and relaxation are to different people, so as it is with what job satisfaction is to individuals. That is where prescriptive measures get it wrong.

Sure, about everything has a breaking point, and your body and mind are not exceptions.

Keep the Revs Up?

Yes. You don’t have to stop. This is it.

If you’re already teetering on the brink of burnout or you just feel you need a break, your heart will most certainly cheer the coming of the holiday season and probably heave a sigh of relief. But it is also possible that your mind sinks at the thought of the holidays and the festive period, since the period brings its own obligations too.

So, how do you keep on moving at this precarious moment without falling into the waiting pit of burnout?

The first area you need to take care of is your routine. Please don’t make any major change in your routines! You need to spice it up, but whatever spice you want to add must be minor at a time. Your body is a system and any sudden shake-up can greatly upset it. So, keep your routine outside work mostly intact and progressively inject little changes.

The second area you need to focus on to get yourself going through the holidays into the New Year in high spirits is your mind. Your mindset is key in this matter. If possible, reset it to find joy in what you do, or else, do only what you enjoy doing. Don’t have to hold back. No other thing takes care of burnout better.

First of all start with what you do to relax. The holiday period can sometimes be intrusive: You’ve got to meet family and friends. You’ve got to attend gatherings and more. All of these can disrupts your routine unwantedly.

You may want to do some early morning exercise to calm your mind and relax your body. In fact, many people have pulled through impending burnout in the past by merely working on their physical fitness and mental wellness.

The truth is, the New Year is just another year, and life/nature doesn’t recognise it as a break. Apply yourself moderately base on your body’s terms and rev your engine into the New Year in high speed and spirits.

So rev up your psyche.
