I shattered my wrist a few weeks ago and landed in the emergency room early on a Friday morning.

I arrived at UCLA Hospital in Santa Monica, my right hand bracing my non-dominant left. Tightly. Hoping if I did so, the small broken bones wouldn’t move any further.

As I sat in excruciating pain, blurting expletives under my breath I came up with an acronym for the word I was feeling so intensely.

For a moment, amidst the shooting and the stabbing, I felt peace as my mind focused on positive words that start with P. Then positive words that start with A. . .

Pranayam (breathe)
Next Steps

Choosing creativity over complaining gave me a momentary break.

The ER doctor sent me home with ibuprofen and told me to get a cast the following Monday.

I would later find out from an orthopedic surgeon friend of ours, I should’ve had surgery that same day.

I’m presently typing this note using voice dictation, with a steel plate and two pins in my wrist.

I celebrated my birthday in and out of a fog of pain meds — and I’d think about the acronym.

Pranayam (breathe)
Next Steps

Breathe. Accept. What did you learn? How do you plan?

I’d also remember in the blur of it all that my middle name is Joy.

What do you do when you’re on the brink of misery? When you’re wallowing in pain? What have you learned from painful experiences?

Please share!

Happy Chinese New Year! Gong xi fa cai!

May 2021 bring an exciting blend of health, wealth, and joy to you and yours!

