Big data has been the “it” buzzword for most of the past decade, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. More companies are looking for ways they can get their hands on data; and even more importantly, they’re looking for people who can understand, analyze, and manage it. With so much data available, professional opportunities are rapidly growing, and there are more jobs in more industries available to those interested in data-related jobs than ever before.

Database Architect

Average annual salary: $87,310

Similar to structural architects, database architects are responsible for design. But instead of designing buildings, they design systems that organize and manage large amounts of data. These systems are responsible for effectively storing and managing data, as well as for allowing an organization’s employees to access and use it.

But creating these systems is only part of the job. Database architects also look to ensure that the systems are keeping data up-to-date and refreshed in a secure manner. They also manage the day-to-day functionality of these systems to confirm they’re performing at the highest levels.

Data architects are often seen as integral parts of an organization that help a business rapidly expand and keep up with ever-changing technology. Most are considered to be highly detailed people who are able to think outside of the box to creatively solve problems.

Information Security Analyst

Average annual salary: $93,250

If you’re concerned about recent news surrounding breaches in online security and are interested in being a part of the solution, a job as an information security analyst may interest you.

There is more sensitive information online than ever before. And unfortunately, due to a steady uptick in hacking attempts, this information is more at risk than ever before. Information security analysts act as data security guards that make sure the correct systems are in place to protect that sensitive information.

They work to identify any possible security risks, determine the severity of those risks, and then develop and implement a plan to prevent the risks from becoming true threats or even hacks.

This is a relatively fast growing field, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting 17.9% growth by 2024, as compared to the predicted 4.6% average growth rate across all fields.

Informatics Nurse Specialist

Average annual salary: $90,180

A job as an informatics nurse specialist may be an appealing opportunity to you if you want to work alongside rapidly changing technology without giving up working with people. Though this job requires a degree in nursing, an additional degree or certification in computer science can help you move up the ranks quickly.

Informatics nurse specialists work closely with an organization’s digital healthcare system and database, accessing it regularly to stay up to date on new information and trends. They’re responsible for taking this information they find and communicating it to patients, fellow nurses, and other healthcare providers to help them make important medical decisions. They’re even involved with high level management tasks such as project management and policy writing.

This is a rapidly growing field; in fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 20.9% increase in employment by 2024. This is much higher than the 4.6% average growth rate for all careers. Even more, job opportunities in this industry are quickly becoming available in more than just hospitals and nursing homes. Informatics nurse specialists can find work in laboratories, training centers, and even in sales.

Document Management Specialist

Average annual salary: $87,310

Document management specialists work within a very niche part of an organization’s overall technology department. They are in charge of creating and managing systems that manage, store, and properly destroy electronic records and documents.

As organizations grow and the needs of different departments change and develop, document management specialists are responsible for ensuring that needs are being consistently met. They’re also in charge of keeping up with changes in laws and regulations pertaining to digital documents and that the organization is complying with these changes.

Finally, document management specialists also work alongside an organization’s employees to troubleshoot any system bugs or errors and to provide overall technical support.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Average annual salary: $87,310

With so much data available and easily accessible, companies are starting to ask “what do we do with it?”. That’s where business intelligence analysts comes in.

Business intelligence analysts spend much of their time data mining, digging through large amounts of data and identifying any new information. They look to pinpoint any emerging trends or patterns that could be beneficial to the growth of a company.

Their ultimate goal is to help companies work more efficiently and to increase profits to the maximum level.

Though business intelligence analysts spend a large part of their time assessing numerical figures, many employers require they have strong communication skills, as they’re responsible for explaining complicated information in simple terms.

Overall, companies are showing no signs in slowing down the big data train. More job opportunities, including new and unique ones, will continue to emerge as companies find ways to implement this data into their day-to-day operations.

*Average annual salary information sourced from Career Trends.

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