By: LaJoy Johnson-Law, DC Mom

Parents’ capacity has always been a balancing act—but, in COVID19, there is a whole other level to the balancing act that parents have taken on. Many parents work from home, helping their children with distance learning, parenting, maintaining their households, and keeping their family safe from COVID. Families are juggling multiple priorities happening simultaneously, and honestly, it has just been overwhelming! There is another level to parenting in COVID, especially for families that have children with disabilities—our children still have special education, medical, therapeutic, and other needs. I believe it is time to raise these concerns and encourage parents to tell their story and tell their truth–and let families know; it is ok to say, “I’m not ok”!

To be honest—there have been days in which I have curled up in a corner and just cried due to being overwhelmed. I want to make sure I am at my finest, to be the best mother to my daughter who has special needs.  I also want to make sure her IEP is being implemented, do well at work, and ensure that we are both happy, healthy, and whole. But there are days, I am just not ok, and I have to pick myself up, dry my tears, take a breath and take care of my household, and that is ok. Often, parents—-particularly mothers are told to be strong and not break down, but I am here to tell you that it is ok to have tears and to have a moment to yourself.

All in all, COVID19 has changed the dynamic of parenting, education, and how we interact with each other in the world. We must ensure that we are whole for our children and families. As we do our best, just know it is ok to say you are not ok—lean on your support system, take a breath, fix your crown and know everything will be ok.  Blessings, Queens, and Kings!


-create a calendar for yourself (write it down on  a board, put it in google calendar, etc.)

-lean on your support system

-make a calendar/schedule for families and children

-use sticky notes to help with reminders

-take a moment for self-care

-take a moment for mindful mediation ( I do this in the morning)

-lean on mental health resources in your community

-Be Kind to yourself; we are in this together!

-Give each other Grace