No one anticipated what was to come at the start of the new year. 2020 had its own plan in mind for citizens across the globe. The COVID-19 outbreak has taken countless lives and cost many their jobs. Factories have shut down, businesses are closing, and unemployment is on the rise. The risk of getting infected still looms over us all. Masks and hand sanitizer have become essential parts of our daily lives. People are now struggling with any general sense of wellbeing because no one knows when things will go back to the way they once were. These changes are leading many to struggle with their mental health. Depression and anxiety have increased in many parts of the world as a result of this pandemic.

Beth Debouvre’smeaningful insight

Changes in place or circumstance create changes in the brain.No one knows when we will return to the “normal” lifestyle of going out freely, meeting friends and loved ones. No one knows when the palpable fear of community spread will finally be extinguished. As a result of these struggles, Beth Debouvre shares some essential wellness guidelines to curb feelings of anxiety and depression during this exceptionally challenging time.

  1. Practice gratitude

It can be easy to complain about your situation when you are struggling. In many ways, it is the most natural thing to do. Few people like to stay at home and not meet their friends or travel freely for months on end. To overcome such struggles, it is best to count your blessings. There are many things that you can be grateful for at any given moment. It is necessary to rely on these blessings by making a list of the same. You can express your gratitude each day for all that you have and all that you are working towards. This practice has the power to instantly lift your mood and help you feel better in uncertain times. 

  • Watch inspirational videos

We often have the power to control where our thoughts wander. The mind picks up anything that we focus on. So, if you are focusing on the pandemic, your brain will repeat those negative thought patterns. As such, it is a good idea to seek out inspirational and motivational videos and podcasts. The internet has excellent, endless resources. You can listen to online videos that suggest ways to turn negative thoughts into positive affirmations to feel better. This can help curb your sadness to a considerable extent.

  • Pickup a new hobby

Staying at home often gives you more free time than when you are out in the world. Hence, it is essential to use this newfound free time productively. Cultivating a new hobby is a great idea. You can choose arts, crafts, glass painting, dancing, singing, cooking, or reading books. Practicing a hobby will transport you to another realm of consciousness while helping you to feel motivated and driven.

  • Talk through your concerns

It can be a bad habit to keep your thoughts bottled up inside yourself. Venting can be incredibly cathartic. Share your thoughts, feelings, and fears with a loved one, a family member, or a therapist. These conversations will help you unwind and feel a sense of deep connection. A sense of love and warmth can help stave off thoughts of gloom and sadness.
