View from an ancient Cave Temple – Dambulla, Sri Lanka

May I be found!

July 8, 2019

You may wonder about what I do when I say Soulful Living / Mindful Parenting / Life Coaching / Humanist. They are form identities unimportant to the non self of the question I ask “who am I?”

I offer you ways of transformation for those who seek a life that’s authentic and true to who you are. That may also sound broad and not specific enough. Here I would say that I trust that, this is where our work of transformation lie.

If you are someone who is intrigued when you hear about reaching your full potential, what your purpose is, how to organize yourself in a world of running at the rate of no stopping: It is my hope that you have stopped to ask What am I doing here? How did I get here or how do I do better? Can I do better?Any of those questions and many many more come to mind. We all end up asking the same questions in so many different ways. They are words! Lots and lots of words. They are thoughts as many would describe. Endless streams of thought and chatter.

Simple profound truth of us lay hidden within us, until we search in silence ~ Kashmira

I have answers. You have answers. The answer to every question is right within all of us. How to find them is where I can help you. Each of us have our own rhythm to the beat of the drum of life. When we are out of beat or when we miss those beats, we stop. We stop and refresh. We practice more. We get tired of practicing. We may go to our teachers for a little help. This is where we leave ourselves behind to say, I need some help.

I am here to give you that guidance. You are not alone in any circumstance. We are all in this together. Help me to help you!

There may be many sides to a story, the unique stories that are told to us. We believe these stories or we fight against them. But there is only one truth. That is our own experience and how it shaped and formed us in who we have become in our character. We are all here with that one truth! The truth may decide to be a victim of trauma or it can shape us into the lioness within, to have and to hold the life that we choose. The one that we choose who we want to be, how we want to be and where we want to be.

A masterful Origami creation of a 9 year old

Make no mistake that our work is only the work of uplifting every heart, offering a helping hand or holding hands with each other when we need to. We are here finding only the essence of each being. Nothing more, nothing less!

A few days ago my friend taught me a lesson. It was about an analogy of the choice between being a honeybee that focuses only on gathering sweet nectar from a flower without hurting even one petal, while a fly focuses only on finding garbage, flying over fields of beautifully scented flowers, only to find the secretion of garbage.

When we are on our way to finding this essence (gem / riches we possess) of our very own nature that lie within us, we will never hurt another living soul consciously. Nor will we distract our own selves with the stories we tell in our heads about others. The story is you and the awareness of the self is the essence of you. We all have the innate power within us to illuminate the world with the profound awareness of our truth.

To find your truth I am here to help you get started. It may take months or it may take years. The fire lies within you and I will help you ignite. You spark and thrive not alone but everyone around you may likely shine brightly together with you. But you may be the first! For the first time you may always be the first. First to love, First to share, First to step away, First to say yes to help someone, First to say no to violence, First to not tolerate disrespect, First to heal someone and more.

First, first, first to be someone for yourself not for anyone else but for the only life you have been given to live, you are first! Not selfish, not self absorbed, not careless; just first! Just truly authentically wholly first to look within.

Let me know when you are ready not wasting one millisecond more! I am here with an open heart to welcome you to living blissfully where the dance of life feels like it never ends! Yes, that too sounds cheesy but you’ll know when you know! Truth is Love. Love is Truth. All is included and All are included!