Having a healthy heart is important for leading a long and happy life. Taking medication to achieve this level of health is an option, but perhaps not the first choice of prevention. Medication can have negative side effects, so it is best to take care of your heart health in natural ways. Poor cardiovascular health can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and heart attacks and can shorten your lifespan.

Below are some natural ways to improve cardiovascular health without taking medication. However, it is best to consult with your doctor if you are worried about the health of your heart.

Get Plenty of Exercise

Exercise is another great way to increase heart health. Not only can it have a direct positive impact on cardiovascular health, but it can help you to lose and maintain weight. People who are overweight have a higher risk of heart attack and other chronic heart problems.

Eat Healthier

Pairing exercise with healthy eating can have an even greater impact on your heart health. You can begin by avoiding fats that are hydrogenated. This type of fat can be found in processed oils and foods, baked goods and things like margarine or other shortening products. Eating whole foods that have a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can be a great way to avoid taking medication for heart conditions. Eating healthy foods will also help regulate blood sugar levels, which can also affect the heart.

Reduce Stress

Believe it or not, stress plays a big role in heart health. If you are constantly stressed and anxious, it can eventually lead to a heart attack and other heart problems. Inflammation can be caused by stress, which can cause a number problems. It can cause blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels to rise. By finding ways to reduce stress, you can make your heart healthier. Try yoga, meditation, mindfulness or relaxation techniques. Try to cut out the stress in your life as much as you can.

Improve Sleep Habits

Studies have linked poor sleep with cardiovascular disease. This is why it is important to get sufficient sleep every night. Not only is it important to get enough sleep, but it is also vital to the heart to get a good night’s rest. Try winding down earlier, shutting off the TV and electronics and find a way to relax. This will help you get a better sleep and keep your heart healthy.

Use a Sauna

Sweating has health benefits. That is why using a sauna can help to improve cardiovascular health. Sweating can help to get rid of harmful toxins inside the body. Studies have shown using a sauna can improve both heart and brain health. It can also help to lower inflammation, which can affect your heart. Don’t worry. You don’t have to build a large sauna or sign up for an expensive gym membership. You can simply make a barrel sauna for your camping spot or even erect one in the garden.

Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber is good for the heart. Health professionals suggest getting 50 grams of fiber daily. You can do this naturally by eating foods that are high in fiber such as vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and even some fruits that are lower in sugar. Another great way to get more fiber is to take a supplement. Not only will this increase heart health, but getting enough fiber can also be beneficial for the digestive system.

Drink Less Alcohol

Did you know that drinking alcohol can cause inflammation in the body? Inflammation can affect the whole body, including heart health. Inflammation is a factor in heart disease and other illnesses that can harm the body and shorten your life. By drinking less alcohol, you can reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body, which will not only help your heart but can increase the overall health of your body. It is even better if you can avoid alcohol altogether.

Lower Sugar Intake

By eating healthier and increasing fiber intake, you will also inadvertently lower your sugar intake, which will also help with cardiovascular health. Eating enough protein and healthy carbs and fats and lowering your sugar intake will also help to steady your blood sugar levels. Start by avoiding sodas, processed junk foods, and fruit juice. While you might think fruit juice is healthy for you, it is packed with sugar most of the time. By lowering your sugar intake, you are also bettering your chances of avoiding diabetes and other obesity-related health problems.

Prevention is the best medication. Even if it has not been recommended by your doctor to change your lifestyle, thinking about your cardiovascular health before any problems arise is the best thing you can do for yourself. It is never too early to put your heart first.


  • AmandaM

    Amanda Maurois

    Proud mompreneur, graphic designer, enthusiastic traveller and blogger who loves to write about healthy lifestyle, entrepreneurship, time management and more.