Best student, ideal employee, perfect parent. Or is it perfect nose, ideal figure, best job? We are very adept at ‘perfecting’ everything about and around us. But who is to define and who is to decide?

As we proceed to craft, tell and hone our brand stories, we carefully choose to highlight our key features- those demonstrated strengths and unique talents. Yes, they are important and will be admired but will not do much to help us emotionally connect or stay memorable and like-able.

What we believe weakens our brand and what we try to hide and mask- our flaws, vulnerabilities, fragilities are those very things that go on to strengthening it, making us more personable, approachable and human. It is our imperfections and how boldly we choose to deal with them and how authentically we express them that inspires others.

The things that crack us, the way we allow the light to seep through those cracks and finally how we choose to fix those cracks are all very much part of our brand story. They divulge a detail, a vulnerability, a strength like little else.

No one wants yet another facade of perfection or a super being who can be admired from afar. This is the time to welcome those scars, harness their power and celebrate being imperfectly perfect. It is in acknowledging, embracing and communicating the precious gaps and cracks that we make ourselves more refined, more unique and more valuable!