“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” – Rumi

Odds are, just about anybody you converse with will have a thought for a business that they think can make millions. Despite the fact that business pitches might be anything but difficult to get, transforming those thoughts into wins is a totally different situation. Be that as it may, numerous business visionaries with straightforward thoughts and humble beginnings have had the option to viably transform the thoughts into winning organizations.

Names like Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Tyler Perry, Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Tony Robbins as a rule ring a bell when individuals consider those fortunate rare sorts of people who have taken advantage of their thoughts, yet you don’t need to live in Silicon Valley or Seattle to transform your thought into millions.

You can be a not all that ordinary lifetime student, who loves serving others since the age of 16, a kid who had a head full of ideas and inventions such as myself who had a thought, did the examination, arranged a 17-page marketable strategy, sent it to Virgin Business Startup where the principles were not implied for me by any stretch of the imagination, however, was not reluctant to defy a few norms and did it in any case which consequently diverted that fantasy from a dream into a genuine product currently serving the world and tending to a world emergency addressing posture.

God started giving me indications simply after I planted the seed and left it with Him. It was quite hard not to reclaim from God, however in the end, I did and this is when after two years I started seeing things that no one but God could have been liable for doing. I thought of the thought for the backpack in 2015 and presented my plan to the Virgin Business Startup Team. Two years later things would begin to happen! Things not only happened began being. They not only were being but went from were to is!

As time perfected I continued appealing to request that God give me what I ought to do. In some cases we can pass up soliciting a lot from Him! God started placing a wide range of individuals into my life. The one individual He put into my life who gave and still gives me sweet motivation was and is Evan Carmichael who just meetings moguls and tycoons!

You realize God will give you before you even inquire as to whether you focus and the hardest thing is comprehending how to manage what He provides for you. Vision is seeing God at work in your current circumstance and moving with Him. It’s tied in with getting in on what God is doing on the planet and being a piece of it where he has put you. On the off chance that your vision isn’t in arrangement with what God is doing, you are off base.

I have learned on my adventure that you should keep your heart appreciative in light of the fact that God utilizes thankful individuals. Gratefulness is additionally one of the keys to life span and the voyage will last and persistence and determination are the way to enduring the tempest and there will be storms but you can endure.

The waiting gets easy when you know in your heart it is meant to be and when it is meant to be you will stay the course as long as it takes until God gives His grace. Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve.

Thankful people endure longer because they focus on God’s provision more than their problems. Doctors refer to gratitude as the healthiest of all emotions because of its physical and psychological benefits. If you don’t stay grateful, you’ll become cynical and though many will look at you like you are crazy because of the conversations that are only visible to you and God you must stay focused and stay the course and it will not be easy.

You got to know what to do with what God gives to you. My meeting Evan Carmichael #Believe motivational coach, leader, YouTuber, etc. back in the mid-2000s was setting me up for what’s to come I can truly say right now as I write this, I thought I was a billionaire when with Evan. He saw things in me that I knew but was hesitant to go forward. I kept saying things like, “I will be doing that soon or it will be coming soon and never produced!” In other words, I was procrastinating which I do believe is part of the course by the way!

I went on a daily consistent routine of acting as if I was a CEO working & producing work as if I were already a billionaire with teams from around the world who were my designated drivers who would take what I produced and know what to do with it. I began producing so much God showed me to focus on one thing and stay the course and all shall come to pass in time.

I began doing research papers involving wellbeing. I began doing research reading about the healthiest countries showing how serious I was in changing my life with what I was born with which use to be called a disability. Just about everything I was producing was well-being related. I took that so-called disability, which society calls it, and worked myself right out of it. People began coming into my life who were what I needed in order to be where I am right now.

I decided I was not wanting to live the duration of my life depending on the Government with a fixed income for the rest of my life when I am smart and had taken care of others all of my life and began to realize it is my time to take care of myself.

So, instead of retiring, I decided I was put here on this earth for leading a great journey with a great story being blessed with great teams for reFiring!

So I got closer and closer with God and began serving more than ever in my life by writing stories and sharing them. I was giving my stuff away and people began asking me, “Aren’t you afraid of somebody using your stuff?” “Why are you just giving your stories away and you should be putting that into a book.” “How many books do you have?” I would tell them 100s and they would like at me like I was crazy!” I mean I wrote so much which can be seen everywhere when Googled that my grandson asked me was I already famous!

My vision was turned into a Kickstarter campaign for a unique backpack that improves your posture. The Swedish Posture Backpack was created by Team Swedish Posture in 2017. The project got 201 backers or investors who pledged over $20,000 to help bring the project to life.

I am the proud inventor of the Swedish Posture Vertical backpack. I became a worthy vessel that allowed God to use me to not only help my posture better but others around the world. The Posture Vertical Backpack is the first backpack of its kind, specifically created to improve your posture. … This design also leaves your shoulders free for movement, making the backpack feel lighter as you carry your daily belongings.

Wherever you are at this point in your life, you need to know that it’s time to go deeper in God. Deeper than you’ve ever gone before. It’s time to press in and get closer to the Lord. You must pay attention to His signs as He prepares you for great things.

So with that being said, I have a question for you. Are you waiting on God to do some amazing things in your life prior to Jesus’ return? If so, then it’s time to grow closer to the Lord more now than ever…it’s time to prepare yourself to be that worthy vessel that God can use.

As we leave one year behind and roll into the next one, I hope the New Year brings you good health and prosperity, and the successful and fulfilling career and life that you desire and deserve.


  • Valerie Cheers Brown

    Author, research writer, contributor writer, & children advocate/posture, & volunteer

    I am a proud mother, grandmother, published author, Advocate for The Children's Health Defense (child advocate),  well-being & health awareness, Swedish Posture Vertical Backpack inventor &  God introduced me to alkaline water in 2010 while I changed my water & changed life in 2010, no longer needing prescription drugs, only God's healing foods, plants, & trees instead prescription drugs. 17 published research papers at Academia.edu in over 3000 published books, famous authors, and cited in research journals all over the world,  few of my papers have been mentioned over 900 times from all over the world by famous authors, research papers authors of academia.edu,  My passion is writing ages 0-100 inspirational stories, researching finding out truths, and advocating for them to be heard. I am also a contributing writer for both Thrive Global and Sivana East!  I am an inventor of a first of its kind product, The Swedish Posture Vertical Backpack,  in the world which is presently being sold all over the world with over 200 investors, Activelifeusa.com partnering with us so can be purchased in the USA which is the 1st of a kind backpack addressing posture health awareness and when the good posture, good well being.  I have written hundreds of blogs published on how to improve the health & wellbeing for both children & adults.  I share my story of how I got myself off of disability and out of poverty to not having to worry ever again how or when I can travel around the world meeting my new friends & business colleagues!  I am working effortlessly using my God-given purpose of serving others, giving my work away to the universe,  waiting to see where God & my hard work takes me.  I love writing & researching and have written hundreds of motivational & inspirational stories & blogs.  I have hundreds of short stories that will be turned into a series of books one day!