Do you feel invisible on social media?

Are you feeling overlooked and ignored while others seem to gain interest, engagement, and followers?

I can relate to your frustration, but please know that you are not alone.

Most of my clients express this same challenge when we first start working together and trust me there is a way to cut through the chaos.

Social media has become an organic way to point potential clients to your business but what most people fail to recognize is that your audience isn’t fond of seeing nonstop sales ads in their newsfeed. They want to see something interesting, something relatable and something that takes their mind off of the everyday challenges of life.

Before they buy from you, they will want to get to know you. Do not be surprised if your viewers are a little guarded, so allow yourself some time to win them over.

We’ve all experienced buyers’ remorse, and are being more cautious these days, so do not be surprised if your ideal client is a little apprehensive by your business offer at first.

Instead, focus on building the relationship first, then the offer comes next. Remarkably similar to the dating process. Take the time to date your potential client. No one wants a proposal on the first date, so do not be that slimy hard sales closer either.

Focus on connection and the currency will follow.

What creates connection?


How can you be more vulnerable?

Start by sharing yourself with the world and watch your connections evolve and grow.

Continue reading article for tips or view video instructions HERE.

Way #1: Create video stories of yourself in action doing what you love.

Instagram, Facebook and even LinkedIn has rolled out this feature.

I know you have a fun side, and I want you to show that off. If you are as goofy as I am, nothing is more entertaining to your audience than being your true self on camera. Take us with you on that road trip or show off your latest hobby.

The use of selfie videos and images of you in action during your day have become our very own version of a reality TV show. People love the feeling that they are getting a special ‘behind the scenes’ preview of what is really going on in your life.

The social media stories feature has this fun energy of being raw and unfiltered while your standard posts have a way of feeling almost too filtered and superficial.

Nothing is juicier, then seeing what is really happening in an unedited video format. I have noticed that my stories gain a lot more visibility and engagement these days than a standard post.

Start walking us through your day to day life and watch your visibility increase.

Way #2: Be REAL – talk about your failures or fears and how you have overcome them.

Everyone loves a good comeback story.

Your ideal client wants to hear about your success stories. Do not hold back the good, bad and the ugly of what you have experienced in life.

We all have faced challenges and fears and sharing your personal story of what you have overcome will increase your credibility with your viewers.

It will also create more connection. No one can relate to perfection, but they can relate to your human side, so show us that part of you.

Sidenote: Try to avoid taking us through your current pain of what you are still working through. It may appear to your viewers that you are using your social media platforms as a form of counseling instead of showing us your leadership skills. Complaining energy can be very toxic and instead of attracting your ideal client, you may push them away.

I wrote a very vulnerable blog post back in 2012 that made me feel very transparent and naked. It was a story of what I had overcome in 2009. When I posted it, I immediately felt remorse and wanted to delete it but pushed through the fear regardless. The next morning, I woke up to nonstop comments, private messages, and positive feedback from sharing my story. I felt connected once again to my viewers and embraced rather than judged.

So just do it, you will not regret it.

Way #3: Start a blog or vlog and create a content library.

Nothing looks more impressive and interesting than having a library of quality content that you have accumulated.

If you are not a fan of writing, then use video. I love to do both, which is why you will see that I give my audience the option to view my YouTube channel or read the article. Everyone has their preference style of learning.

The downside of creating stories is that they will expire in 24 hours unless you save them to your highlights. You can also utilize your video blogs to create a quality YouTube channel to gain more interest and visibility over time.

The beauty of creating a library of content on your personal website or with a 3rd party platform is that your content will stack up over time, therefore increasing your credibility as an expert. The more quality content that you put out there the better reason your viewers will have to become a follower and/or a subscriber.

Give them a reason to follow you by being interesting.

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