Memory of my daughter and I on the beach

This morning I woke up again with a headache at 7 am after my 6 hours of sleep. I go to sleep late because I chat to my friends in the USA part of the world – the time difference is between 7 and 10 hours.

I don’t know why I have the headache. The only thing I can think of is withdrawal symptoms from the one, max 2 glasses of wine I used to have in the evening since I decided to stop drinking wine for at least a month, a week ago. Fortunately, it dissipates easily enough once I get up and get moving.

We had coffee (my other addiction that I am working on to have less of), and as I habitually sat down on the couch and lifted my laptop on to my lap to start my day working even though it was a Saturday, my husband said, “Let’s go for a walk”.  I thought okay, it will only take half an hour.

And as I went to change into more suitable attire then pajamas, this message popped into my mind,

“Your Being is more important than your Doing”.

Because you see, my doing is continuous. My work week is continuous. Even though I teach my clients how to organize themselves so that they can work less, I don’t. So for me, whether it is Monday or Sunday, it is just a day to do the tasks I set myself.

Although I am way more self-aware of this than before and I consciously step more into being present in the moment, I’m still far more operating from my doing-and-activity-mode than slowing down, smelling the roses and taking inspired action.

I do all of this, because I am busy building a business, I tell myself…

Don’t misunderstand me, I LOVE my work. In fact, I don’t see it as work at all. My work and life have become one, just totally out of balance.

As we started walking on the sand path towards the beach (we take off our shoes to connect with the energy of the earth), ploughing through the soft sand, such joy came up in me.


And I said to myself, “I love this!”  Then I had a profound realization,

“I got so busy building a business, I forgot that I had a life.”

I have forgotten to take more moments to appreciate the perfection and abundance in my life as it is now already. I started thinking about that…

  • I am married (have been for 37 years) to a man who loves and adores me.
  • We have children who are all bright and beautiful inside out, successful and our best friends.
  • We have created a family of harmony, where everybody loves each other.
  • We all are super healthy.
  • I am surrounded by love, harmony, beauty, abundance…

I got to focused on what was still MISSING, that I MISSED to SEE what I already have.

Then I stepped onto the beach and when I looked up, I saw the most magnificent sight. The mountain head was surrounded by clouds with the sun behind it. (I decided that this was the last day I go walking without my camera).

I was filled with awe and I wondered, “Am I really connected to this magnificence, this utter beauty? Is that why it touches me so deeply?” As I am writing this now, my eyes are filling up with tears again.


So, I made some more decisions.

  • My Being is more important than my Doing
  • BE Present in my Beingness
  • Appreciate what I have
  • Know that I am connected with everything in the Universe
  • Know that I AM Consciousness
  • BE and DO as Consciousness from Consciousness

From this place and being in this space, I can accept anything as it is what it is, knowing that everything is working out for me.

I also want to do things differently. I want to involve more, interact more, understand more, support more directly than indirectly, touch others at a much deeper level than up to now. So for me, masterclasses and webinars are parked, because it is time up the level of being of service.

And I am sure that as a coach, expert and as the business leader you are, that you want to do the same. To put that in practice, I want to do a monthly Mastermind with this intention.

I am calling on you to join me, let’s support each other to make a bigger impact AND live a full life. We are all connected, and we all benefit from each other’s genius that ripples through to our clients and their lives. We all manifest our goals and dreams through others.

If this resonates with you at all, then please join me for this Free Mastermind on Monday 23 November. Click here to register.

What I have been talking about here speaks to the 8 Super-Powers of Highly Successful Business Leaders that I will share on the Mastermind, plus the activities that constitutes a mastermind, like hot seats and networking.

If you want to see more of what I do, take a look here and feel free to grab one of my free offers to join my email list.


  • Dina Marais

    Business & Life Reinvention Coach

    Dina is a Business & Life Reinvention Coach and works with entrepreneurs and professionals to reinvent their business and life, live a stress-free lifestyle and make money in harmony with their heart, health and the Universe. Dina believes to BE the change you want to see in your business by mastering your mindset energy vibration and leverage your expertise to manifest your vision and business lifestyle. She has been involved in coaching and business for more than 16 years. Dina is a co-author with 19 other women world wide sharing their love journeys of trauma and triumph in the #1 International Best Seller Love Unboxed by Placida Acheru.